One Piece

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Post by kolulu » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:19 pm

Killuan wrote:Congrats, both of you completely mis-understood what I said.
then would you care to explain it?

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Unlimited Rice
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Post by Unlimited Rice » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:38 pm

kolulu wrote:
Killuan wrote:Congrats, both of you completely mis-understood what I said.
then would you care to explain it?
let's not worry about it, i'm pretty sure we all know how to say their names.... properly.. so, let's leave it at that..

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Post by Killuan » Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:22 am

Sounds fair enough

(instead of Fluffy Luffy, or Lufy (with the ‘u’ pronounced like the ‘oo’ in ‘cook’)As in, rhymes with Goofy.)

it was just an inside joke explaining how rediculous they have gotten with the editing.

Hint. (with the ‘u’ pronounced like the ‘oo’ in ‘cook’) that alone should have told you I knew Lufy, rhymes with Goofy. But its rediculous for any one to condone how badly they butchered One Piece, its an utter disgrace and nothing less.[/quote]

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Post by kolulu » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:13 pm

oh ok, sorry bout that I'm slow >.<

does anyone know how many manga books there are? I hate watching One piece on 4kids and is getting harder and harder to find episodes on the internet so I'm hoping to just read the manga.

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Post by Gepetto » Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:53 am

kolulu wrote:and is getting harder and harder to find episodes on the internet
Really? Every time I look, there's five new fansubs releasing OP on IRC channels, and BitTorrent trackers, and hosatchel, etcetera.
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Post by kolulu » Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:17 pm

huh. I was using one site but a lot of the episodes are being taken down because of the federal communications department >.<
I really needed some to downdload for free and stuff but that's extra hard to find. So I've given up and now I just buy the manga I heard there were so far 11 books.

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Post by Unlimited Rice » Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:56 pm

kolulu wrote:So I've given up and now I just buy the manga I heard there were so far 11 books.
They're at 42 in Japan :)

ep 276 won't air until Sept 10 :x

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Post by Unlimited Rice » Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:30 pm

awesome to see this pick up again... ep 277 won't air next week, instead, the week after, they're doing a 277-278 thing...

276 continues Nico Robin's past. I think the last of it can be finished off in 277.
276 wrote:It's no surprise at the end of 275 that person coming from the boat was Robin's mother.

Saulo finds out that Robin's mom's name is Olvia, the woman that was captured by the marines for researching the Void Century. Goverment officials barge onto the island, and the archaeologists are caught, with all their research found.

Olvia finally gets a look at her daughter, Robin.

The episode ends with Prof. Clover getting ready to announce his theory about the Void Century

(oh yeah, Ao Kiji appears in this flashback. Seems like he goes by the name Kuzan)
awesome episode, can't wait to see the rest of this flashback

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Post by Thrior » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:08 pm

One Piece is simply awesome... and by this I mean Japanese version. OF COURSE! 4Kids version...ah the horror!

Anyways... I love this series because it's so original, funny, intense and it has great characters. My favorite characters are Zoro and Sanji but I also like Mihawk and Smoker.
I love the style of this series because it really is original. Men are not those god damn pretty boys like in most animes. They are more manly and that's the way I like it. Female characters aren't as interesting or original looking as men but they don't annoy me at all which is good. This anime also isn't so sexist like many other towards females. Well... Nami surely has a short skirt and all but they don't tend to "show" her breasts and butt like most animes do with female characters.

I also like it how humorous this anime is but humor never gets repetitive or annoying. I don't know how they do that but humor in this anime is just so good. Fortunately there's not too much humor and this anime can be really dark and violent too. Action scenes (especially with Zoro) are very cool.

So... really great anime. Definitely one of my favorites.

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Post by Unlimited Rice » Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:39 pm

so like.. 277-278 special basically finished off the Nico Robin past
277-278 wrote:Yeah, Prof. Clover basically tells his theory about the Void History and stuff. Gokusei decides they know too much so he basically allows Bustercall to happen.

Rather sad that Robin only got to hold hands and hug her mom for a few minutes, then Olvia had Robin go with Saulo away from the island

Kuzan catches Saulo, but lets Robin go on a small boat and an ice path leading her to an island in hopes that she'll be able to live a normal life. Too bad the chief dude finds out she's alive, so she gets her $79,000,000 berry bounty.

Episode Special ends with Sogeking burning the World Government flag and stuff
next ep won't air til like oct 14 or 15..

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