Before I go into any spoilery comments, I'd just like to say that I'm impressed by how well this series has developed. It started out as an odd sort of yuri harem anime that was pretty light emotionally. Then, slowly, it grew ever more serious and now it's really picking up steam as it moves toward it's conclusion.
The character development has been really good. Even when you don't think a character is changing at all, something will happen and you'll see the change.
Anyway, on the the episode comments!
The only companies I would trust to licence this would be Geneon or Funimation. Adv has the cast but they'll screw us on an artbox or extras. I don't think any of the other companies would take it seriously enough.First, I have to say that I am extremely pleased by the Yaya/Hikari scene. As sad as it is for Yaya that she can't be with Hikari, it was really wonderful to see Hikari comfort her. Yaya's really been through the emotional wringer lately and, even though I still think she went way over the line when she made her fratboy style move on Hikari, it was just great to see this final act of forgiveness from Hikari. Now they can really be friends again.
And maybe, just maybe, Yaya might still have a chance.
Nagisa telling Shizuma that the flowers would bloom again. . . I'm going to take that as a sign that Nagisa still has feelings for Shizuma and really does want to be with her. I'd really like to see the two of them together. Miyuki can comfort Tamao.
Did anyone see the whole Kaname/Amane thing coming? Kaname apparently is not only a bit jealous of Amane but she's also in love(lust?) with her too! No wonder she's been so dangerous to Hikari, they are rivals.
Poor Momomi though. The Evil Lesbian Duo is breaking up.
Next episode looks really interesting. Tamao and Nagisa are entering the Etoile election together? Hmm, either Miyuki is planning to chose them or Tamao entered their names without asking Nagisa, because I don't think Nagisa has a clue about being entered. Maybe I'm wrong. Can't wait to find out!
Sigh. Can you tell I'm obsessed with this show getting licenced? I promise not to say anything about licences in my next post.
Till next Panic!