Eureka 7

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Post by xxDECKERxx » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:00 pm

Ahh I wish I could draw well, whenever I try it comes out so bad, I see your art is very good though :) I wish I could draw like that. Also I can keep watchingthis Anime over and over again, the people who said it is a boy and girl save world with robot is wrong, there is more to the series than that.

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Post by trucks_69 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:14 pm

thanx mang...

yea this anime is deff more than that... much more...
quite possibly one of the best animes i've seen in a long ass time...

btw if you wanna see more of my drawings, i got some here

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Post by jeremyang01 » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:32 am

i finished the series a few MONTHS ago but still i keep dreaming that trappa is real and that sky surffing is possible :lol: . I REALLY WANT TO REFF!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneone
live fast die young wahhahahaha

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Post by greenjinjo » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:03 pm

godix wrote:Free sausage. No conditions. No tricks. To the best of my ability I will give anyone a sausage on anything they ask for. I'm not kidding here, I'll do as many sausage as I can.
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My 2 cents Worth

Post by drakath » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:29 pm

Alright, after reading through all the posts there are many things that I viewed in the show that is different then everything else. I saw the end as the nirvash becoming the command cluster and replacing eureka. For the skurv/scab coral is many beings as one, so no one truly has there own conscious, and thats what the command cluster is for. So for the new commander cluster...which is required especially if the limit of life is to NOT be reached, a person who is an individual would be eureka...anemone...nirvash... Now we know the nirvash was growing through the episodes but never did it it shows that once it enters the globe/growth of the new command cluster it has a huge change. Full consciousness, speaking, intelligence. This shows me that it has undergone a drastic change...kinda like becoming the brains of the skurv/scab coral?

And someone mentioned the dewey wanted the limit of life to be reached...thats incorrect, he wanted to kill off all coralians/skurv/scab. So he wanted eureka or anemone to become the new command cluster... so the color does 2 things...forces them to start changing...but also has a agent in it that will kill off all the coral...and dewey is hoping that this will happen before the limit of life is reached.

Now something else that was mentioned that I can't say I know the total and complete answer on...but its about the coral leaving the planet.

First we have to look at it just like they do in the show...they always talk about earth as a different planet, and there current planet is something else. I can't recall if there current planet has a name but I'll call it Planet and call earth earth. So we find out that earth is actually encased by the coral which makes a 2nd crust. But between this crust and earch there is still air and an area that ppl could live in. So when nirvash said that they are going to take half the humans with them...I believe it means they will take them to earth...between the 2nd crust and earch. We are still talking that the planet outside the coral is a different planet. So when eureka and renton are told that when they are ready they can return to them...they imply return to beneath the coral/crust of there own world.

Now something else that was mentioned was with the coral implying "that they'll be back when humanity is ready to be assimilated"


This link may reveal information on that. The coral crashed on earth 7000 years in the past and at that time humanity left earth because they thought they where doomed. At this time the coral just reached sentience, and since that time they assimilated everything on the planet earth. After many year they descovered how lonely the place really was especially without humans. So they decided that they will remain quiescent in order to avoid scaring humanity away again. So thus they made it seem like another world when truly it was earth that humanity returned to.
Please I would like any feedback on this to complete my understanding of the magnificent anime production. Either here or at[/code]

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Post by drakath » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:36 pm

One more thing, when it comes to ppl with can almost think of it as having a psionic link to the coral, so there consciousness was actually attached to the coral somehow. But when the command cluster was destroyed they where released from it. Weather they return or not is something all together.

Kinda like the tea guy on the gecko learn nothing of him...he's not even coralian...but when the nirvash told renton and eureka that half the human population would be taken...he was chosen as one of that half and so become coralian and seemed to dis-appear...but remember that trapar waves are actually something that belongs to the if you touch trapar you'd be touching part of the coral itself as he was absorbed
Sorry if I worded it like it was fact, but it was the best way to get it out with losing track of my thoughts. I am by no means right but these are what I gleamed of it.

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Post by greenjinjo » Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:29 pm

Maybe this will help with one of your questions...

Phear my Paint Skillz
The whole anime was staged on top of the Scab Corral, which in turns hangs above the Earth, as illustrated in the picture above. Eventually the Corral leaves, and at the last part of the last episode, everyone returns to Earth, not the Corral.
This help any?
godix wrote:Free sausage. No conditions. No tricks. To the best of my ability I will give anyone a sausage on anything they ask for. I'm not kidding here, I'll do as many sausage as I can.
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Post by aniforever » Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:24 am

I saw all 50 series and i think it had everything that you can hope to see in anime. But still i didnt like the ending becose i really hate endings which dont end nothing. : :evil:

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Post by meleechampion » Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:19 pm

:? I disagree.
I believe they ended it completely. I mean, you can't possibly continue the story any farther.

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Re: My 2 cents Worth

Post by videosforfreaks84 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:04 am

drakath wrote:SPOILER WARNING
Alright, after reading through all the posts there are many things that I viewed in the show that is different then everything else. I saw the end as the nirvash becoming the command cluster and replacing eureka. For the skurv/scab coral is many beings as one, so no one truly has there own conscious, and thats what the command cluster is for. So for the new commander cluster...which is required especially if the limit of life is to NOT be reached, a person who is an individual would be eureka...anemone...nirvash... Now we know the nirvash was growing through the episodes but never did it it shows that once it enters the globe/growth of the new command cluster it has a huge change. Full consciousness, speaking, intelligence. This shows me that it has undergone a drastic change...kinda like becoming the brains of the skurv/scab coral?

And someone mentioned the dewey wanted the limit of life to be reached...thats incorrect, he wanted to kill off all coralians/skurv/scab. So he wanted eureka or anemone to become the new command cluster... so the color does 2 things...forces them to start changing...but also has a agent in it that will kill off all the coral...and dewey is hoping that this will happen before the limit of life is reached.

Now something else that was mentioned that I can't say I know the total and complete answer on...but its about the coral leaving the planet.

First we have to look at it just like they do in the show...they always talk about earth as a different planet, and there current planet is something else. I can't recall if there current planet has a name but I'll call it Planet and call earth earth. So we find out that earth is actually encased by the coral which makes a 2nd crust. But between this crust and earch there is still air and an area that ppl could live in. So when nirvash said that they are going to take half the humans with them...I believe it means they will take them to earth...between the 2nd crust and earch. We are still talking that the planet outside the coral is a different planet. So when eureka and renton are told that when they are ready they can return to them...they imply return to beneath the coral/crust of there own world.

Now something else that was mentioned was with the coral implying "that they'll be back when humanity is ready to be assimilated"


This link may reveal information on that. The coral crashed on earth 7000 years in the past and at that time humanity left earth because they thought they where doomed. At this time the coral just reached sentience, and since that time they assimilated everything on the planet earth. After many year they descovered how lonely the place really was especially without humans. So they decided that they will remain quiescent in order to avoid scaring humanity away again. So thus they made it seem like another world when truly it was earth that humanity returned to.
Please I would like any feedback on this to complete my understanding of the magnificent anime production. Either here or at[/code]
First off, great expo dude!!!

I placed a similar answer to this one in another site, and boy did people got understood on the matter. It's like majoring in E7 jajajajaja.
Spoiler :
about that second retour it's not likely. Due because one thing that gonzy said that people might misunderstand, that was
There may be another path to evolution after all
this implies that the merging bit is not gonna happen now, but merely the two groups OGs of the mother earth will now go their separate ways in common understandig. humanity on it's former playground (which I hope WE do not fuck up for at least this time around) i.e. Earth and the coralian race is now allocated on a huge "ring" surrounding the planet. So for the time being and concerning closure of the series, it's all good baby!!!
Now an interesting question is about Dewey Novak. We've all seen the kind of badass he is, but have u ever asked how he ever got his knowledge of the planet and all that (instrumental to the central plot, and knowledge-wise, can be comparable to Norb's teachings)????

see ya

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