Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

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Post by angelx03 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:20 pm

Episode 3......oh god!!!! That Haruhi is a freakin' riot. I don't know whether I should feel sorry or laugh my ass off of Haruhi's abuse on Mikuru. :shock:
That whole scene where Haruhi blackmails a bunch of computer geeks just to get a computer was priceless. Poor Mikuru! :lol:

Though after that seeing those two in a bunny suit was pretty hot! 8-).
Though the one thing that caught me off guard was...
...when Yuki told Kyon that she and Haruhi are aliens. Though is sort of makes sense given Haruhi's personality, but it does change the dynamics of the series.
This series is actually becoming more promising than I anticipated. Interesting stuff! :P

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Post by doughboy » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:29 am

I'm interested in seeing how time travel is factoring into this show. Not only is that one of Haruhi's interests, but they're skipping ahead to "episode 7" next, foregoing many character introductions for reasons yet known. The show has already shown us the finished production of the club and then jumped back to before it was formed, so I'm hoping it'll keep jumping around a bit and then tie it up nice-like in the end.

My favorite line from the 3rd episode was Mikuru's, "If I become ruined for marriage, will you take me?" :lol:

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Post by madbunny » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:51 am

The spot that got me in ep 3 was seeing the computer club stringing up lan cable down the corridors of the school.

and.. "I'm begging you, please establish a context before you begin speaking to me"
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Post by Blanco22 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:30 pm

I'm really enjoying the series so far.

I had a feeling that things weren't quite normal in the first episode when the cat started talking. Then Itsuki's attack against Yuki didn't look like it was just a special effect.

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Post by Odi » Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:14 pm

Was doin what I usualy do when im bored and out of shows. I pick a random anime title I have never heard of (usualy on imdb but not for this one) and watch it. This was how I found starshows like trigun and excel saga (when I just started to watch anime).
well anyways I ended up watching this. At first I was like WTF is this crap. I scipped the intro because It was so horrible. I literaly had a disgusted grimace on my face. When the real show started it didnt become better. But I was just about to turn the crap off with a curse when (bout 5-8 min into the show(im abit slow I admit that)) it started to creap up on me... I got some memmories from when me and my friends was doing a movie bout 6 or 7 years back... This kinda looked like it. Not plot wise (what plot? o.O) but in another way... And then it hit me. HOLY SHIT THIS EPISODE IS A PARODY ON IT SELF! (caps) and a smile started to form on my lips, It went all the way up to my ears and didnt stop there. From that point I stopped breathing compleatly and started laughig instead. When the episode ended I was on the floor hugging my stomach with tears running down my eyes. After I got back up I watched the first 8 min I had "missed" again and laughed some more. Then I went to this forum to check if anyone had written something about it and now im here. :)

This will definatly go into my collection when the whose series is out on DVD if it keep this up (I aware that Ep 0 is nothing like the real deal). :)

(btw, I did exaggerate just a liiitle bit, just so I could prove a point ^^)
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Post by Bakadeshi » Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:00 pm

Odi wrote:Was doin what I usualy do when im bored and out of shows. I pick a random anime title I have never heard of (usualy on imdb but not for this one) and watch it. This was how I found starshows like trigun and excel saga (when I just started to watch anime).
well anyways I ended up watching this. At first I was like WTF is this crap. I scipped the intro because It was so horrible. I literaly had a disgusted grimace on my face. When the real show started it didnt become better. But I was just about to turn the crap off with a curse when (bout 5-8 min into the show(im abit slow I admit that)) it started to creap up on me... I got some memmories from when me and my friends was doing a movie bout 6 or 7 years back... This kinda looked like it. Not plot wise (what plot? o.O) but in another way... And then it hit me. HOLY SHIT THIS EPISODE IS A PARODY ON IT SELF! (caps) and a smile started to form on my lips, It went all the way up to my ears and didnt stop there. From that point I stopped breathing compleatly and started laughig instead. When the episode ended I was on the floor hugging my stomach with tears running down my eyes. After I got back up I watched the first 8 min I had "missed" again and laughed some more. Then I went to this forum to check if anyone had written something about it and now im here. :)

This will definatly go into my collection when the whose series is out on DVD if it keep this up (I aware that Ep 0 is nothing like the real deal). :)

(btw, I did exaggerate just a liiitle bit, just so I could prove a point ^^)
haha I had that same first impression aswell ;p the first thing that tipped me off though (aside from the horrid special FXs and plot that skipped all over the place, besides it being nonexistant to begin with) was the fact that the show was supposed to be in 16:9 but I was only seeing 4:3 on the screen, then I realized that it was encoded with black bars on the sides. I was like what the heck... Not like fansubbers to screw that up... then I skipped to the end and realized the whole thing was just a parody on a home recorded video, and the real show was in fact 16:9. so I went back and watched it from front to back.... dieing from laughter along the way ;p

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Post by Willen » Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:55 pm

I hope the later episodes keep this up. At first I was like everyone else, wondering why the opening song was so badly sung and somewhat incoherent. And why the hell is the main character in a bunny suit and then later in a maid outfit. I didn't pay much attention to the credits in the opening at first, but on a second look, it's a big hint that this "episode" isn't what the series is about. I love the bad acting by the shopkeepers and ladies in the shopping district. Plus, I had to double check if Mikuru did run past the same shops about 4 times. Add to that the various scene errors that go uncorrected like the bad edit that looks like it was done from a video camera in the scene where Mikuru returns home and changes, the occasional camera auto-focus issues, the changes in the background sounds when the camera switches from subject to subject during conversations, and the obvious "hand-held camera" effect during Itsuki's introduction. If you didn't get that this isn't an ordinary show by now, Mikuku and Yuki's combat scene should be a huge clue. Then we get even worse editing, worse acting, bad special effects, a plot that gets even more incoherent, obvious plot holes and inconsistencies, and the director's voice being heard behind the camera.

At the end, I was dying from laughter.

And then the end credits. Wow. If I saw the only the ED, I'd be hooked.

Not to mention the level of quality of the second episode. I almost couldn't believe this was a TV production. Even incidental background charcaters moved!

My favorite part so far is in Ep. 3 where Suzumiya extorts a computer. I was like, "Oh, no. She's going to do that?" and she does. And more. And more. :lol:
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Post by Bakadeshi » Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:13 pm

Willen wrote:
My favorite part so far is in Ep. 3 where Suzumiya extorts a computer. I was like, "Oh, no. She's going to do that?" and she does. And more. And more. :lol:
haha I was dieing at that part ;p Shes so evil

librarian girl also gives us a little insight into what may be a reason for her and Suzumiyas ... er.... weirdness to at the end of eps 3. Can;t wait for more :D

I have to say the Guy's Naration in the show is probably one of the funniest traits of the show though, especially during the first mock episode.

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Post by Willen » Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:42 pm

Bakadeshi wrote:I have to say the Guy's Naration in the show is probably one of the funniest traits of the show though, especially during the first mock episode.
Kyon's narration is so funny because in a way, he's saying what we are thinking. Or answering our unspoken questions. Just like the audience, for the most part, he is just along for the ride.
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Post by Bakadeshi » Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:04 am

Haha I hadn't realized some of the gags in the first episode until after I rewatched it after watching the 2 episodes after it. It was even more hilarious after learning some of the stuff about the series later on. You also realize how much of a mock off the actual story of the series it is.

I imagine that cat probably comes in later on also and that he probably actually does talk, going off of what the girl said in the end of episode 3....

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