I hope the later episodes keep this up. At first I was like everyone else, wondering why the opening song was so badly sung and somewhat incoherent. And why the hell is the main character in a bunny suit and then later in a maid outfit. I didn't pay much attention to the credits in the opening at first, but on a second look, it's a big hint that this "episode" isn't what the series is about. I love the bad acting by the shopkeepers and ladies in the shopping district. Plus, I had to double check if Mikuru did run past the same shops about 4 times. Add to that the various scene errors that go uncorrected like the bad edit that looks like it was done from a video camera in the scene where Mikuru returns home and changes, the occasional camera auto-focus issues, the changes in the background sounds when the camera switches from subject to subject during conversations, and the obvious "hand-held camera" effect during Itsuki's introduction. If you didn't get that this isn't an ordinary show by now, Mikuku and Yuki's combat scene should be a huge clue. Then we get even worse editing, worse acting, bad special effects, a plot that gets even more incoherent, obvious plot holes and inconsistencies, and the director's voice being heard behind the camera.
At the end, I was dying from laughter.
And then the end credits. Wow. If I saw the only the ED, I'd be hooked.
Not to mention the level of quality of the second episode. I almost couldn't believe this was a TV production. Even incidental background charcaters moved!
My favorite part so far is in Ep. 3 where Suzumiya extorts a computer. I was like, "Oh, no. She's going to do that?" and she does. And more. And more.