Thats why we said best shounen.Ishbalan wrote:But its still a shounen.
now shoo, ur tainting the relatively symmetrical thread.
Thats why we said best shounen.Ishbalan wrote:But its still a shounen.
Chiikaboom wrote:shoo, ur tainting the relatively symmetrical thread.
You remind me of my brother, he's obsessed with Death the Kid and his love of symmetry.Chiikaboom wrote:Thats why we said best shounen.Ishbalan wrote:But its still a shounen.
now shoo, ur tainting the relatively symmetrical thread.
I approve of ur brotherhasteroth wrote:You remind me of my brother, he's obsessed with Death the Kid and his love of symmetry.Chiikaboom wrote:Thats why we said best shounen.Ishbalan wrote:But its still a shounen.
now shoo, ur tainting the relatively symmetrical thread.
Chii watches raw cuz she is PrO iN tEh JaPz LiNgO.. sortaAaronAMV wrote:WHERE DID YOU WATCH IT SUBBED ALREADY? D:
and i like Bellicose ... 21&start=0AaronAMV wrote:WHERE DID YOU WATCH IT SUBBED ALREADY? D:
and i like Bellicose
I didn't ask for a site to download it, I asked where she watched it. As in a streaming site, and it's not against the rules to ask.hasteroth wrote: ... 21&start=0AaronAMV wrote:WHERE DID YOU WATCH IT SUBBED ALREADY? D:
and i like Bellicose
Rules number 1
1) Do not ask where to find/obtain/buy/trade/procure/download anime in here. This forum is for the discussion about the anime itself and not where/how to get it. Posts of this nature will be removed and/or edited and doing so may incur a ban of no less than 24 hours and possibly longer depending on the nature of the violation.AaronAMV wrote:I didn't ask for a site to download it, I asked where she watched it. As in a streaming site, and it's not against the rules to ask.hasteroth wrote: ... 21&start=0AaronAMV wrote:WHERE DID YOU WATCH IT SUBBED ALREADY? D:
and i like Bellicose
Rules number 1
Just don't try to do that.