Megaman: Methinks it's about time we move on. Ladies go back to dressing rooms and get ready for our talent competition. You have 20 minutes.
*20 minutes later, Megaman uses pda to teleport all the contestants to the middle of the arena*
Chuck: Ladies and gentlemen we're back! Now, in our new new sky box booth!
Chad: Moments ago our announce booth was, once again, obliterated by T.O.H. Hunter. Chuck and I were lucky enough to get out unharmed.
Chuck: Shadow Clones. Never leave home without them.
Chad: Hey. Substitutions' are my best friends. Bob wasn't so lucky though.
Chuck: Yeah, our EMTs are tending to him as we speak. We'll be joined by him (or what's left of him) momentarily.
Chad: Anyways, it's now time for the talent competition.
Chuck: But, first, 3 of our lovely contestants will be sent home. As you can see our 10 remaining contestants have been teleported to the arena floor and...........
Chad: I'm sorry, but I've just been informed that 7 spot lights will shine on the 7 who will be moving on. And here we go!
Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya): 9
Lucy/Nyuu (Elfen Lied): 9
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist): 8
Shihoin Yoruichi (Bleach): 8
Tsukamoto Yakumo (School Rumble): 8
Excel “Excel” Excel (Excel Saga): 7
Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop): 7
CC (Code Geass): 6
Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade): 5
Matsuri Shiho (Sola): 3
Megaman: CC, Rosette, Shiho, you have all been eliminated. You won't go home empty handed. Your parting gifts, courtesy of Bob, are being delivered to your dressing rooms. Thank you for participating.
Megeaman: This round, rules are simple. Post animated gifs and/or links to AMVs that showcase your character's talents. One more thing, as long your character is the center focus or, at least, one of the center focuses, you are all free to post whatever you wish. Only 5 will move on.
Chad: Hey, Chuck! Look, Bob's back!
Chuck: You mean, what's left of him.
Bob: *in morse code* beep, beep, beep---------beep,beep! (I hate you guys!).

*sketch done by yours truly* *what the announce team could possibly look like*