Ryuzaki: Yes, I was the English Junior Champion once.
u_queen: And you're a master in capoeira
Ryuzaki: Naomi teached me the basics, it's not that I'm a master.
u_queen: You really don't want to win ¬_¬
Ryuzaki: Of course I do, it's that those aren't real talents for me...
u_queen: Ok then, show me something interesting you can do.
Ryuzaki: I can do this.

u_queen: O_oU That wasn't what I had in mind.
Watari: Excuse me miss u_queen if I interrupt your conversation, but Ryuzaki gave me some photos for the talent contest in case he had stage fright.

Watari: It was part of the practice for becoming detective, he was constable for two years.

Watari: Also, he's the founder of "Anonymous letter", he made it when he was fifteen with some other kids of Wammy's House. The rock band only was famous in England.
Ryuzaki: Watari, it's not necessary to show the next one

Watari: Yes it is, I'm just doing what you ask me to do. Moreover, I'm very proud of this picture. You look so mature babysitting...

u_queen: *squees* Ahem. You see, L? You have more talent of what you wanted to show. Thank you Watari