Holiday Muppet Special Contest

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Holiday Muppet Special Contest

Post by spiketherogue » Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:44 am

I'm going to start doing an annual Muppet Christmas Special on a small Scale, Small being youtube and LiveStream, and looking for the best 3 - 5 AMVs, Videos, animated shorts, Skits out of the Year to use as Musical interludes in the Piece.
That's where the Contest Comes into play. Starting from today. Dec 1st - Dec 20th. I'm opening for submissions for your holiday videos, Animations. obviously the top 3 - 5 being announced here and shown on the Christmas special being posted on the 24th on youtube and it's own livestream channel. Links will be provided here.

To Enter just post a link in this thread to your video and it will be considered by my panel of editors.
Thanks for participating everyone!

Dec 20th. 11:59pm

:nono: DA RULES: :book:
These all need to have holiday themes: ie Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.
The episodes (if AMV) don't need to be Christmas if they'll work with a Christmas song. Not being picky. just looking for quality.
If you have a holiday video that you've made in the past that you'd like to enter feel free to post the link.
NO real time limit here but I would like the videos to be less than 3 minutes. If it really blows my mind at 4 I'm not gonna say no.
obvious since this is Christmas the material should be family friendly, no hentai, nudity, etc.
Please keep cursing to a minimum. I'd prefer to see none at all.

Clarification about the Title. Sorry about that
The christmas special itself is shot with Muppets. The Musical interlude (You submissions)do not need muppets in them. Sorry about that


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