Project D2
- dbz_doomrider
- Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2002 9:29 am
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Project D2
Hey to all,
After some good solid thought, I have started to begin installing all the good old editing programs, and rehatching old memories and thought processes galore...
I am finally proud to announce that I am going to begin recruitment for Project D2.
As with Project DOOMRIDER, my first multi-editor creation which attempted to highlight virtually every piece of the DragonBall Z series within one 10 minute song with every single effect and piece of effort that could possibly be mustered up...much the same would be expected.
Project D2 will focus on the movies of the DragonBall Z series, 1-13, and will contain two extra tracks dedicated to both the Trunks special and Bardock special, bringing the total number of tracks up to 15 for the project. My goal is to try to create the best possible amv using the Dragon Ball Z movies, and try to renew their greatness as so many awful videos have been made in the past. Again, the skills and efforts of the best editors can help me accomplish this....and again, I am patient and I have waited over a year to try to take this on again. In the end, the best editors putting their heads together usually creates something fantastic, which is well worth the wait!
As was the case in the first project, Project D2 will have a music track which will be decided only once the group of editors is assembled and can decide together, as is a unique part of my multi-editor projects. I am looking for any suggestions for a track I can get in the meantime of course, and I am looking for any commitment or comments/suggestions about the project in general I can get.
Although these details are fairly unspecific to say the least, I would like to establish the following rules:
1) Absolutely no person who has no intent on editing to their fullest should apply for D2
2) Any editor who wants a part in the project will be faced with approximately 30-40 seconds of editing for their movie, so whichever movie you are ambitious about using, make sure you know it back to front, or at least well enough to choose the very best scenes to edit with.
3) Absolutely NO downloaded footage of ANY KIND!!!!!!~
4) Anybody who is terrible at meeting deadlines (ie overshoots by years :p) really better not apply (The first project, scheduled to release about 2 years before it actually was...really makes for a good example as to why this is...)
For those who don't know about the various DragonBall Z movies (1-13) or the specials (The Bardock Story and The History of Trunks)....I've listed them below...but if you don't know what they are, I doubt you are interested anyway ^_^....
PS: These titles are the american dub titles, as they are known
Movie 1: Dead Zone
Movie 2: World's Strongest
Movie 3: Tree of Might
Movie 4: Lord Slug
Movie 5: Cooler's Revenge
Movie 6: The Return of Cooler
Movie 7: Super Android 13
Movie 8: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
Movie 9: Bojack Unbound
Movie 10: Broly: Second Coming
Movie 11: Bio-Broly
Movie 12: Fusion Reborn
Movie 13: Wrath of the Dragon
...So you can have at it searching for information on any of the above, including basic synopsis all over the reliable internet...but again, if you are applying, you probably have basic knowledge about what the movie you are applying for is about...
Anyways, I hope this turns out to be as fun and as positive as Project DOOMRIDER and I hope I get some interest turning up :p
PS: Any questions or suggestions can also be e-mailed to me, at or you can reach me on AIM, dbz66321.
Im looking forward to this ^_^....
Ian (DBZ_Doomrider)
After some good solid thought, I have started to begin installing all the good old editing programs, and rehatching old memories and thought processes galore...
I am finally proud to announce that I am going to begin recruitment for Project D2.
As with Project DOOMRIDER, my first multi-editor creation which attempted to highlight virtually every piece of the DragonBall Z series within one 10 minute song with every single effect and piece of effort that could possibly be mustered up...much the same would be expected.
Project D2 will focus on the movies of the DragonBall Z series, 1-13, and will contain two extra tracks dedicated to both the Trunks special and Bardock special, bringing the total number of tracks up to 15 for the project. My goal is to try to create the best possible amv using the Dragon Ball Z movies, and try to renew their greatness as so many awful videos have been made in the past. Again, the skills and efforts of the best editors can help me accomplish this....and again, I am patient and I have waited over a year to try to take this on again. In the end, the best editors putting their heads together usually creates something fantastic, which is well worth the wait!
As was the case in the first project, Project D2 will have a music track which will be decided only once the group of editors is assembled and can decide together, as is a unique part of my multi-editor projects. I am looking for any suggestions for a track I can get in the meantime of course, and I am looking for any commitment or comments/suggestions about the project in general I can get.
Although these details are fairly unspecific to say the least, I would like to establish the following rules:
1) Absolutely no person who has no intent on editing to their fullest should apply for D2
2) Any editor who wants a part in the project will be faced with approximately 30-40 seconds of editing for their movie, so whichever movie you are ambitious about using, make sure you know it back to front, or at least well enough to choose the very best scenes to edit with.
3) Absolutely NO downloaded footage of ANY KIND!!!!!!~
4) Anybody who is terrible at meeting deadlines (ie overshoots by years :p) really better not apply (The first project, scheduled to release about 2 years before it actually was...really makes for a good example as to why this is...)
For those who don't know about the various DragonBall Z movies (1-13) or the specials (The Bardock Story and The History of Trunks)....I've listed them below...but if you don't know what they are, I doubt you are interested anyway ^_^....
PS: These titles are the american dub titles, as they are known
Movie 1: Dead Zone
Movie 2: World's Strongest
Movie 3: Tree of Might
Movie 4: Lord Slug
Movie 5: Cooler's Revenge
Movie 6: The Return of Cooler
Movie 7: Super Android 13
Movie 8: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
Movie 9: Bojack Unbound
Movie 10: Broly: Second Coming
Movie 11: Bio-Broly
Movie 12: Fusion Reborn
Movie 13: Wrath of the Dragon
...So you can have at it searching for information on any of the above, including basic synopsis all over the reliable internet...but again, if you are applying, you probably have basic knowledge about what the movie you are applying for is about...
Anyways, I hope this turns out to be as fun and as positive as Project DOOMRIDER and I hope I get some interest turning up :p
PS: Any questions or suggestions can also be e-mailed to me, at or you can reach me on AIM, dbz66321.
Im looking forward to this ^_^....
Ian (DBZ_Doomrider)
- Devil^Shin
- Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:57 pm
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yo dude like i say im in
actualy right now i'm working of another dbz project with dbz movies
and i have dvd's of movie 8, movie 12 and 13, but i prefer to use movie 12 for this project. I have also few suggestions for songs i will find you in aim and there we will talk.

Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forstall my return.
To become the dew that quenches the land, To spare the sands, the seas, the skies, I offer thee this silent sacrifice.
To become the dew that quenches the land, To spare the sands, the seas, the skies, I offer thee this silent sacrifice.
- Greek Prince
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- Ryan Molina, A.C.E
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- TheFungus
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- dbz_doomrider
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- Prince_Majin_Trunks
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- DaCoolGohan
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- Coffee 54
- Joined: Tue May 11, 2004 8:26 am
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I really kicked myself hard for not even trying to get into first Doomrider (In my defense the project was started before I was even a .org member). I was hoping you'd do a part two, so I've gotta try for this one. I'll make my pick; Movie 6: The Return of Cooler. It's always been my personal favorite. It was also the first I picked up on DVD.
Last edited by Coffee 54 on Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.