Kinda scary to see that most of the tracks is pretty much done, and I haven't even downloaded my source yet. lol
Anyway...beta testing.
That's alright. I'm having some issues with my own work too. Thanks for letting me know.CodeZTM wrote:KK, I'll work on those fixes in my next beta.
Unfortunately, this is my last full week of classes and finals are just around the corner (starting this coming Monday), AND I have to go to my CPE class so I can legally prepare tax returns at work this year (it's the thing that updates us on the yearly law changes so we can best serve our clients). So you probably won't hear from me until 2 weeks from Friday. Just a friendly heads up.
Wish mines would do the same and stop giving me hell everyday. XDCodeZTM wrote:Haha. Actually, school has managed to balance itself out now. I don't have to cram as much anymore, so I'll probably end up sending you something soon. XD
Awesome :3 And sure! I don't have restrictions for sources as long as they're good quality and you can make it fit.iCardioidAMV wrote:I'll be sending something soon *-*
I think I'm going to change sources though.
To maybe something like Shuffle! since with Working!, I don't have anymore ideas. ;A;
Is it okay if I edit a little with Shuffle! and see which one turns out better? *-*
Haha it's ok, I understand this is a busy time for everybody(*coughincludingmecough*) XD So just take your time.lloyd9988 wrote:Still can't edit *_* it is pissing me off but Finals are almost done, then scholarship writings and, afterwards, AMVs
8DDD Yay!MystykAMV wrote:I'll probably finish my part this weekend, I only have to finish a mask (and if there's anything else that you mention ) so be prepared! 8D