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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Eion » Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:20 pm


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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by CodeZTM » Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:25 pm

Just the first album in this project.

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Eion » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:33 pm

CodeZTM wrote:
Just the first album in this project.
OOOH LOL whenever i think of gaga i think judas for some reason XD but this looks promising :3 hope you guys finish it :3

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Kousaka » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:21 pm

AimoAio wrote:
iCardioidAMV wrote:I think I'll probably have to quit. Tonight, while editing, my hard drive failed or something like that. I can't use my computer at all until my mom gets it fixed. D8
Oh no! D:! Do you have any idea when you'll have it fixed?

Also, that's 5/11 votes in now. iCardioid you can still vote too if you want. The rest of you get a move on. :rofl:
My mom says she's going to bring it somewhere later today. So hopefully, I'll have it back in a couple of days ;A;
I vote for the second one. I've seen both animes that were used and Gravitation seems like a better fit. :D
- used to be iCardioidAMV/Cardioid (decided to hang it up and start anew)

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by AimoAio » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:14 pm

Eion wrote:
CodeZTM wrote:
Just the first album in this project.
OOOH LOL whenever i think of gaga i think judas for some reason XD but this looks promising :3 hope you guys finish it :3
I'm hoping to make another mix for the other albums when this one get's finished. :3
iCardioidAMV wrote:
AimoAio wrote:
iCardioidAMV wrote:I think I'll probably have to quit. Tonight, while editing, my hard drive failed or something like that. I can't use my computer at all until my mom gets it fixed. D8
Oh no! D:! Do you have any idea when you'll have it fixed?

Also, that's 5/11 votes in now. iCardioid you can still vote too if you want. The rest of you get a move on. :rofl:
My mom says she's going to bring it somewhere later today. So hopefully, I'll have it back in a couple of days ;A;
I vote for the second one. I've seen both animes that were used and Gravitation seems like a better fit. :D
YAY! That's great to hear! ^^ And now that's 7/11 votes. The last 4 please hurry up and vote. |:>

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by AimoAio » Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:05 pm

*cough* Made a mistake while counting. It's actually out of 12 votes. But anyway the winner is Video 1 vote-wise. Though many had thought Video 2 followed the dark theme better. Anyway congratulations Elerye, the track is yours.

Aaand I've also sent out my full beta. Now I can move from blue to purple on the front page! :awesome:

While editing I noticed that when Natsuno's dad goes crazy he's actually creepier than the Shiki..>__>

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Mkid » Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:32 pm

AimoAio wrote:*cough* Made a mistake while counting. It's actually out of 12 votes. But anyway the winner is Video 1.congratulations Elerye, the track is yours.
:up: Congrats I really liked your video so im not bothered or surprised that you won :up: it was good

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Taite » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:57 pm

Sorry, I've literally been so inactive. Been out of town for the last two weeks, but I'm back to my computer now and I will start converting my episodes again tonight. I'm a quick editor, so I'll have a beta to you by Sunday at the latest. I will also crank out some late critique for everyone. Again, I'm sorry, it's not like me to be the annoying person in an mep who never seems to turn anything in and you can't get a hold of.

Edit: Critique

madaraxD (monster beta.mp4)
Spoiler :
Hahaha, love :23, hilarious (: I'd suggest softening the edges on the text or something. It just looks a bit rough.
I think the clip at :10 of Ranka and Alto should come in when she starts to say "monster" rather than at the beat, but it's just a minor detail.
I think you should mess around with the transition at :19 so it has a little more impact, I dunno. It's just a bit iffy.
Otherwise, I really love your track. :23 is just awesome hahaha
Kamih (LG Megamix - Speechless - AimoAio.mp4)
Spoiler :
Ahh, I love it. I think it will go well with my track too :p
I think at :09, through to :11, you should have scenes that go with the drum beats, but maybe lower their opacity or something, do something to make them more subtle. I'd also fade out :19 or something.
I hope you are at least planning on filling some of the gaps haha. Particularly that one and :12-:15, :22-:24, :32-:37.
I think the clip at :28 lacks impact, especially when Lady Gaga sings "why you so speechless." I'd switch to another scene at this point.
My main issue is that I don't know what spots you're filling up XD Don't want to say certain things yet til I see a more complete version, but it's still very beautiful and fluid, so just keep editing (:
Code (Gaga MEP Beta 4.mp4)
Spoiler :
The clip at :01 (second clip) doesn't hit on the beat, was that intentional? I think it'd look better on the beat. The third clip (at :02) is kind of weird, since he doesn't move and the image doesn't move either. Maybe add a pan to it, or get a few frames of him moving?
Other than those really little things, I literally have no problem with your track. I looove :16 onward =p Keep it up, your track is great.
Mystyk (Dance_in_the_dark_beta3_MystykAMV.mp4)
Spoiler :
Wow, this is great! I have no issues with it (: final, for sure.
AimoAio (Lady Gaga MEP - Teeth - Full.mp4)
Spoiler :
Gosh, this is awesome. Yet another seemingly flawless track haha. I only have one suggestion: the clip at :11, I'd add something to it, what with the trumpet. It lacks a bit of impact, and I think a slight flash or something would be nice. Maybe not a flash, I'll leave it up to you, but maybe something to add a little impact, since it's a bit slow. Other than that little thing, it's great! (:
lloyd (Sequend 01_3.mp4)
Spoiler :
I like the idea of adding color correction, but I don't like all of the different colors. I'd mess around with Color Curves in Vegas (if that's what you're using) and find one color you like, and apply it to the whole track, not just a few clips. And I hope this is just because it's a beta, but there's some quality issues, especially at :13. Other that that though, nice job with your track! (:

iCardioid and AngelDragoon, I believe I downloaded your videos before I left, however, since your links are dead, I don't know whose is whose haha. However, here are the two I have left on my computer, I'm assuming they're yours':

Spoiler :
There appears to be a lot of frame blending in your track as well as some quality issues (which may be due to the beta quality.) I don't know if Aimo is ok with it, but it's pretty nasty ): If she is ok with it, to make it less... not really noticeable, but to make it not worse than it is, don't use any regular crossfades (like at :04), or the bright ones that I forget (see :12).
Some of the regular crossfades are ok, but I'm not going to point out each one; I'll let you make the judgment call. However, all of those bright crossfades get old, and I don't think you should use them at all. to make it better, just make it a hard cut transition, add another layer to the track, copy the next clip after the hardcut where you originally had a flash, paste the clip onto the new layer, change the layer's compositing mode to either Add or Dodge, maybe add a gaussian blur to that copied clip, then fade it out. This will create a really nice flash. You can do it other ways too, but this one is my favorite and it looks the nicest.
That was my main issue with your track-- all the crossfades. I just say get rid of em haha. Up to you of course, but that's just my opinion. Keep workin on it, it's nice otherwise (:
Fame Monster Alejandro Beta.mp4
Spoiler :
The little pans at :01 seem unnecessary. It'd look a lot cleaner without them. The black flash at :05 was really weird. I'd experiment with different transitions. The black fade-in at :07 would look much nicer if it were white. I'd also clean up the edges on the mask, it's a bit iffy. Perhaps add a sliiight feather, maybe. Probably just clean it a bit. I don't know how you faded that mask out (just opacity, a blur?) but it was a bit too quick. I'd slow it down a bit, and just use a regular fade if you're blurring it out-- blurs on masks, especially like that one, look really odd.
Anyhoo, I really like the concept so far. Keep working on it (:
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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by MystykAMV » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:24 am

whaaaaat??? Code, I didn't get a beta from you (beta 4) I want it! and I think I don't have AngelDragoon's beta either (I think I opened the message but didn't download it because I might not have been at home) and later I forgot it D: sorry I want to see them! and Kamih's beta >.< and I don't see madara's beta either xD

Spoiler :
the scene at 0:41 seems weird, is it slowed down? or was that on purpose? and maybe you could add a flash or something at about 0:26 "ahhh" xD it would emphasise the beat as well but it would still fit that "ahh" :P and the same at about 0:13, because that scene somes to the clap sound thingy, but before that you synced according to a lower sound I hope you understand what I mean :P but just a suggestion :P also 0:18, it seems you left the first of that "tü tü ----tü tü" maybe you could sync to that as well? start the clip later a bit and don't start it a the clap sound or what is that >.< your beta is really nice btw :P
Spoiler :
Taite has already mentioned, I don't really have problems with the editing but the quality isn't so nice.
Spoiler :
I don't know which your latest beta, but if it's beta2 then it's really nice so far :P I don't really have issues xD

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Re: The Fame Monster - Lady Gaga MEP [FULL]

Post by Taite » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:38 pm

Oh no, that's not my beta haha. The only beta I sent out was months ago to AimoAio and Code, I believe. Sending an updated beta right now to everyone (:
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