Vegeta119 wrote:you passed up the better editor, but its your mep and i will respect your decision. =\
you arnt respecting it with that comment....
The tracks are all full now. We shall begin.Greek Prince wrote:Alright, seems a lot has been going on while i was away now let me straighten this out. Rurounikeitaro has taken track 5 Slipping Away and so the fold track is open. Now about this Katan incident, i care less than nothing about the quarrel between Vegeta119 and Katan, so if Katan wants a shot the track then i'll give it to him. So Katan, the track Fold is yours and you need to tell me the anime you are choosing i'm sure you have already read the first post so i dont need to repeat myself in explaining the rules to you.
Nekoteo - I have nothing against you, Katan just asked first simple as that, sorry i wasn't here earlier to respond to let you know whats going on. But thanks for the interest in the project you'll be the first to know if there is an open space in the project.
Syaoran of the light - Thanks for letting them know what was going on and of course for looking out for the mods.
Vegeta119/Turnakusu - I'm giving Katan a chance in this MEP and whatever social related issues you have with him please keep it outside this project, thank you.
As of now all of the tracks for the Trust Company Multi-Editor Project are full.