I get it now, but I just feel it needs to be a little clearer. I don't think most people associate any letters beyond D with a bra. Like I really feel it could work as a joke with just a little more commentary and making it more clear the names correspond to something and aren't another kind of pun.Kei83 wrote: Just one quick comment on the bra size thing... I used DDD and JJ as basically they are most ridiculously largest bra sizes available and thought it would be a little more obvious that way. But i guess its hard for people to have come across that information when they are very uncommon sizes as well so not seen in regular stores you usually just hear about them on news or talk shows where they discuss plastic surgery or breast augmentation. So maybe something to the effect of a different name with a commentary line such as " Pamela anderson. Breast size 44 ddd... Im not sure
AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)
- moonbunnychan
- Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:28 pm
- Location: Northern Virginia
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
- Angelyco
- Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:29 pm
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
I felt like the Fraggle Rock video seems incredibly short since it was surrounded by some seriously long clips. All 3 of my clips seemed super fast compared to some of the other entries.
- Gaelstrom
- Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:25 pm
- Status: Sending enemies to the next dimension
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
Yeah, it's definitely iconic. It's like the Gurren Lagann clip to me, I'm on the fence about it. That it's not a very well-known show means that unfortunately not many people will get it. Honestly the text commentary is the true joke to me. Brady Bunch is well known, the images speak for themselves, so the commentary is the real joke that most people can relate to. The actual anime reference is lost to all but those who know the show. Every clip I make goes through a gauntlet of 'tests' with me and my friends to guarantee the biggest audience reaction I can get, without leaving many people out, so that's how I critique all clips. If everyone's okay with that, I am too, except that if the audience gets distracted by slowness, or confused by jokes, it actually harms everyone else's because that's how they listen to all following jokes. That's my only concern really, other than that it can be whatever anyone wants.I feel that the "and staring Ann B. Davis as Alice" line from the original opening is just a iconic as the center square. So I don't think that the video would feel complete without it.
Bra sizes don't strike me as much like a joke, honestly. I think what may be the issue is instead of going that route, you explore more layman breast jokes. Keep in mind, you have Baywatch, breasts, and actors as possibilities to play on the Baywatch idea. Honestly what you could do is make names that would make it more breast relatable, such as "Funbags McBoobness as whoever" or something. That was off the top of my head, but you can play with the names and come up with some ridiculous names with the more ridiculous breast euphamisms. One other thing too is you may get more connectivity by having more ocean shots in there. Even if you did something like the names above, I'd still suggest making the credits into a character like with the Kyoka Bunch clip. It will change the joke you had, but I honestly think it'd make a stronger joke. It happens to me all the time. For example last year's FMA clips with Dave Attell were going to be a single clip of Ed saying "I wonder if I have a small penis... or just gigantic balls" and it changed into two clips of Hughes, and it was better for it. One of the biggest lessons I picked up was to let a joke breathe, and even morph if it starts going in that direction. If you try to lock it down, then it loses its authenticity.I used DDD and JJ as basically they are most ridiculously largest bra sizes available and thought it would be a little more obvious that way
I agree, another Geico one would be good, if not two more, as long as it's not too long. I like the idea of the Tutu one going first, it totally caught me off guard, even after the first two. What I would suggest though is to have the Money show up in stranger and stranger places. Like for example I had an image of Haruhi looking at her computer and the Money was an icon, and just a still shot of her from the credits clip looking pissed at it. May be too much Haruhi, but that's what flashed in my mind. I can shop a blank room from Haruhi for you, I guess you can play around with it if you'd like or I can help.I'm totally open to re-editing of the Geico ones. If you've got a good idea for a scene in Haruhi that's like a mostly blank room let me know, I think I can rework the Princess Tutu one, which ya, upon watching it again last night I felt needed it too. I also think it needs a couple more for it really to be more of a running joke...they're kinda spread out as is and kinda easy to forget about. I also think the Princess Tutu one first would set up the joke better, since it's not quite so obvious what's going on.
The logo I mentioned to Deuce earlier I was thinking of taking X The Eliminator's "CRAP!" when his death ray breaks. It would take the joke a bit too far perhaps, but I could do the "Do you have any tubes...?" lines for it. I wanna do that one, since I think I can pull it off well. As for more clips, honestly, partway through this I realized I could make an entire fanparody just with these two sources. So I could make another 3 minutes at least before it got really tough ^^ But more of it I'm not sure how well that'll work. There are some lines I'd like to use, but then it'd be out of context. The idea of Haruhi starting with "EVERYBODY GET IN HERE!" was always how I pictured it. Even those who don't know about Birdman know that line by Steven Colbert. And I did the clip in the end because regardless of if you know Birdman, it's totally stuff people could easily see Haruhi saying ^^It would involve making another clip, but it might set it up as more of a running joke if there was a Birdman/Haruhi thing towards the very beginning as well as the end..
I'm nervous about that too. I asked Deuce specifically if it were a worry. Since the parodies are after 10, they are for adults, but it still could be a concern. I did everything I could to hit the poignant info so that anyone watching could see I didn't choose it just because there's a bunch of cursing in it. 18+ generally means pornographic there, though. Deuce will have to clear this with the coordinators, and I sincerely hope they don't shove it at the end. We'd run the risk of the room being cleared by a bad parody then. They were okay with "FUCKING JUMP!" last year, it'd be a tad hypocritical to be concerned about swearing if it's used effectively.I'm only a touch concerned that the language in it may be a bit much.
As for the Haruhi end credits, I really believe the music shouldn't be involved. You all may have misunderstood what I meant about an obvious visual/audio interruption there, but the test pattern is the same idea. I'm just thinking something more like a feed interruption, something unmistakable, but quick. My friends and I discussed, and even tried using only half the clip, but then when I went further with it, they liked it a lot more, which is why it's the length that it is. Separating the clip and using fades really harmed it, and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree completely on leaving music over it. Ideally it's basically meant to be another clip that snuck its way into the production due to Haruhi's/Phil's nature. Something either of them would do ^^ At the very least for the next beta, I'd really like us to try it with that concept/design in mind. If everyone still disagrees, then I'll definitely take a second look. I can also go ahead and make a version of the clip with the type of cut in I mean so that can be tried. Would that be acceptable Deuce?I thought the Haruhi clips during the credits were fine, it reminded me of when they show deleted scenes during the credits of a movie. I think an actual interruption would jar me too much and interrupt the flow, but that's just me.
I did it last year with the Men's Warehouse one, nobody minded. Parodies are a little different in how they're interpreted. It might have caused some people to go 'ew I hate dubs' and not enjoy the joke as much though, but unlike that one, this one only has it for the setup. Japanese then Nagato saying "PHUCK YOO!" in English is a bit disjointed. Plus actually the clip isn't one of ours ^^ It was so funny to me, I asked the creator of it, a Youtube Pooper, if we could include it, so I quickly upressed it and submitted. I STILL lose it when she says it, and I've seen it over 50 times ^^The Haruhi one with the dub audio, I know cons in general tend to frown upon using dub audio, like in the regular amv contest it would get it disqualified. I know past ones have had dub audio, but I'd hate to see it get rejected or something for something so minor.
- moonbunnychan
- Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:28 pm
- Location: Northern Virginia
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
Gaelstrom wrote:I
I agree, another Geico one would be good, if not two more, as long as it's not too long. I like the idea of the Tutu one going first, it totally caught me off guard, even after the first two. What I would suggest though is to have the Money show up in stranger and stranger places. Like for example I had an image of Haruhi looking at her computer and the Money was an icon, and just a still shot of her from the credits clip looking pissed at it. May be too much Haruhi, but that's what flashed in my mind. I can shop a blank room from Haruhi for you, I guess you can play around with it if you'd like or I can help.
Oh god, it would be a brilliant final punchline at the very end after the credits to like, open one more email and have the Money on the screen.
And if Deuce is ok with adding more, I'm brainstorming to think of another anime/scenario to make another one from.
And I can stop being lazy and actually fixing it in photoshop...as it was I just did it as an imported image in Vegas. (or if somebody else wants to go for it you totally have my blessing)
- Gaelstrom
- Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:25 pm
- Status: Sending enemies to the next dimension
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
I'd say do something even more, like shoot the thing or blow it up. I did that with excel last year because I knew everyone was sick of Head On ^^ I think the Money is a little less annoying because the commercials themselves are actually a bit amusing, but I think we can take it a step further and make it excessively random. Like take the scene from Cowboy Bebop where Faye's plane window cracks in front of the moon and put the Money floating out there, and have the music fade up and fade down in a Doppler effect or something. Can never fail with Doppler effect ^^Oh god, it would be a brilliant final punchline at the very end after the credits to like, open one more email and have the Money on the screen.
Deuce, I went ahead and added a quick effect at the beginning and end of the Haruhi credits clip and sent it to you. It's a low volume sound with a footage adjustment happening for a few frames before the clip actually starts. It should offer a form of a transition. It's not the best sound, but I did it quickly. See how it feels to you with that there. If you know of a better sound, feel free to try it or send it to me and I'll dump it in.
- moonbunnychan
- Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:28 pm
- Location: Northern Virginia
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
Over the top Money is brilliant as well.
There's a difference though between one use of the word and multiple times in sucession...plus the use of c*cksucking. I'd make sure real official word from a staffer was given on the subject. Or move the piece to later in the line up so the very first thing isn't a blast of profanity. I'm sure the average con goer wouldn't even be phased, but it's gotta get past some authority first.
As for the credits I think I'd need to see both versions before I had a solid opinion on it, since I'm still not entirely sure what you're getting at.
Oh, and I also agree that there needs to be a little bit better mix between the shorter ones and the longer ones, it would help the flow more.

There's a difference though between one use of the word and multiple times in sucession...plus the use of c*cksucking. I'd make sure real official word from a staffer was given on the subject. Or move the piece to later in the line up so the very first thing isn't a blast of profanity. I'm sure the average con goer wouldn't even be phased, but it's gotta get past some authority first.
As for the credits I think I'd need to see both versions before I had a solid opinion on it, since I'm still not entirely sure what you're getting at.
Oh, and I also agree that there needs to be a little bit better mix between the shorter ones and the longer ones, it would help the flow more.
- Squancho
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
Moonie: I'm talking to Ed (con chair) about the profanity question concerning keeping the event in the outdoor tent. On the upside, the screening is late enough at night that the young 'uns won't be around. The downside: it's outside in open air. I think about the comedic impact of bleeping out the curses but that's a LOT of bleeping and will become annoying in short time. The bottom line on that clip is it reflects the thoughts and opinions of anyone who has ever had similar bad experiences with new devices, no matter who made it. We've all been there and can relate. 
As for the rest of you, it's gonna take a bit of time to read through the novellas posted lately. I'll make every effort to address them somehow...

As for the rest of you, it's gonna take a bit of time to read through the novellas posted lately. I'll make every effort to address them somehow...

AMV Showdown Coordinator
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Asst AMV Showdown Coordinator
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AMV Showdown Coordinator
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- Gaelstrom
- Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:25 pm
- Status: Sending enemies to the next dimension
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
What the... it's in an outdoor tent this year!? The hell made that decision happen? And where the hell would they possibly put a tent in Baltimore Harbor? Am I missing something!?
As for bleeping, I considered that possibility. If it truly becomes a problem, then I have a potential. Instead of actual bleeps, it could be censored using more amusing cartoon noises. Anyone who knows about the Lunar or Lunar 2 outtakes knows how amusing those can actually be. Really it harms it, but it could salvage the joke a bit. The one that in no way could be salvaged is the nagato "PHUCK YOO!" as I like typing it, because that one's COMPLETELY about the way the line is delivered (Thank you, Jack Black).
I'd honestly request you press to get it shown in a more confined place if it's an issue. Anything to get the full impact. It ends up removing potential enjoyment. I mean granted I'm biased since I worked my ass off on it, but... ya know. I did several with swears because the "FUCKING JUMP" one last year proved that if used effectively they can do very well, and in my opinion, the ideas I had with swears were the better clip ideas I had on my pallet, so I went with those.
As for bleeping, I considered that possibility. If it truly becomes a problem, then I have a potential. Instead of actual bleeps, it could be censored using more amusing cartoon noises. Anyone who knows about the Lunar or Lunar 2 outtakes knows how amusing those can actually be. Really it harms it, but it could salvage the joke a bit. The one that in no way could be salvaged is the nagato "PHUCK YOO!" as I like typing it, because that one's COMPLETELY about the way the line is delivered (Thank you, Jack Black).
I'd honestly request you press to get it shown in a more confined place if it's an issue. Anything to get the full impact. It ends up removing potential enjoyment. I mean granted I'm biased since I worked my ass off on it, but... ya know. I did several with swears because the "FUCKING JUMP" one last year proved that if used effectively they can do very well, and in my opinion, the ideas I had with swears were the better clip ideas I had on my pallet, so I went with those.
- moonbunnychan
- Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:28 pm
- Location: Northern Virginia
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
Outside? What? I mean...what?
I am baffled as to the logistics of this....or the reasoning on their part. O_o
Particularly since it NEVER rains in Baltimore in summer....
I am baffled as to the logistics of this....or the reasoning on their part. O_o
Particularly since it NEVER rains in Baltimore in summer....
- SammySamaProductions
- Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:50 pm
Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)
I had so much fun and this turned out great! Can't wait for AMV Salad 5!!!! Great job everyone ^_^