Bauzi wrote:@mirko:
I'm happy to correct you. The DVDs are already released in other areas too. The german speaking area has a DVD release since almost 1 year.
I didn't say that the DVDs are not available elsewhere (it's licensed over here in Italy too, for that matter) but that in Japan only those are available, and not the blu rays. >_< I thought I explained myself clearly enough, but apparently my wording wasn't clear.
Bauzi wrote:EDIT²:
Oh no! It's nnedi2 again! Once again I can't get nnedi2_rpow work. I've downloaded and used nnedi2.dll from this site:
Yup, it's fine from there, however I read nnedi2_rpow in your post, whereas it's supposed to be nnedi2_rpow2. You sure you don't have typo in the script too?