That would be very awesome. I was going to go run out and buy all the CD's again (since I lost track of where my old ones were) so I could get nice uncompressed files for the mix. I'll be sure you PM you when the final mix is chosen. Thanks. =]exedata wrote:If you guys need it i have all the SUM 41 CDs that could be used to get the Song rips from. anyhow if i could suggest some songs here they are
Thanks for the offer Arashinome. I'm not an expert at editing audio and I would love to have the mix done really well.ArashinomeAMV wrote:I'd be willing to do the mix, I have quite abit of experience doing so.
I also suggest "88" be in the mep..
Right now I'm just fiddling with an order of songs, doing rough cuts just to get the gist of it at the moment. "88" was on my maybe list, and only reason why I left it out before was because I was trying to keep this short. But like I said, things can change and they most likely will.
@Eva-Fan: Sorry I'm not a respected editor in the AMV community, but hopefully I'll be able to gain some trust. I want this done correctly and done well. I wouldn't put forth so much effort for something I didn't want to see become great.