Mellow project [MAJOR UPDATE ON P55 \o/]

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Re: Mellow project [Get me your betas, slackers! :E]

Post by Nya-chan Production » Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:17 pm

Haruhiist wrote:hey i'll get u the beta either wednesday or thursday. that ok?
Totally! (b^^)b

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Re: Mellow project [Get me your betas, slackers! :E]

Post by CrackTheSky » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:07 pm

Yeah, there's no way I'm going to have time for this. Sorry Nya, you can give my part to someone else.

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Re: Mellow project [Get me your betas, slackers! :E]

Post by Meroko fan » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:27 pm

My editing software is locking up every time I open the files now, serious type hardware issue. I need to drop as well until I can resolve this problem or get a new computer. Sorry :oops: :cry: :oops:

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Nya-chan Production » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:50 pm

Noted... :(

Thanks for your participation and better luck next time!

EDIT: For all the rest of you: When I wake up (going sleep now), I'll review betas I have and write a nice summary post. Also, I'll free any places that haven't sent me beta (or at least prebeta... Phlu?) so far. This doesn't mean you're kicked. It'll mean that if anyone who likes your track submits before you do and I'll like it better, you'll be kicked.

Good luck :<

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Nya-chan Production » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:29 pm

Recapitulation of the betas:

Nice idea, length of :53. Sadly has to be rebuilt from the scratch.
Idea: 4/5
Editing: 3/5

Kind of creepy :/ Length 0:26, not bad. Could be maybe cleaned a little, but let's leave that for final.
Idea: 2-3/5
Technical: 4/5
Editing: 4/5

Hardcuts work too. 12s of nice and calm cuts, maybe too quick in succession, but it's not bad. Source of good qaulity.
Idea: 4/5
Technical: 4-5/5 (sadly not WS, maybe upscale would be better... then again, maybe not)
Editing: 4/5

Awesome 3:10 of beta. What I didn't like much was the fact that it was made of one ep only, some other bits into it might freshen it up a little. Still, nice mellow/sad piece. Source pretty good. Some cuts could use a bit of work.
Idea: 4/5
Technical: 4-5/5
Editing: 4/5

Master of ideas. I liked what I saw, even when it was short (12s), not scaled yet and with no cuts.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 3-4/5 (clear, not scaled nor bordered)
Editing: N/A

25s of awsmsauce, one of my favourites. Quality right up there, beautiful idea, precise editing with only some to-be-fixed spots.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 5/5
Editing: 4/5

Two betas, both of full 1:25. Very nice idea, though the concentration on story only is a little drawback. Improvement over the betas (side disturbing is a plus, sometimes) and main them is what I like. High quality is a given.
Idea: 4/5
Technical: 5/5
Editing: 5/5

Meroko fan: N/A. If you wanna see your rating for beta, say so.

:14 of great, beautiful, calm feel. Don't have ANYTHING to say. The best one.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 5/5
Editing: 5/5

His first editing work (same with grandbahamut, btw). 56s of very nice editing. Some parts would need a little brush over, but very nice. Overall idea he told me and I found it veeery fitting.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 5/5
Editing: 4/5

Phlu (prebeta):
8s of one scene only. Work, man!
Idea: 4(?)/5
Technical: 3-4/5 (clean, clean, clean)
Editing: N/A

29s of disturbing. Dunno if it's the right way to grasp this theme, but dunno yet. Technical skyhigh, even when 4:3. Editing very good, nice use of effects.
Idea: 3(?)/5
Technical: 4-5/5
Editing: 5/5

Nice idea, innovative, 37s. Still pretty boring/mellov (the piece with food is great). Some technical issues, which will be solved, as he told me.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 3/5 so far
Editing: 4/5

Full beta (1:24) , best approach about betaing, sent me 4 pieces and improved over them. Third of my favourites so far. In the end almost perfect editing, very good source (and I have seen wmv only so far) and great mellow feel. Hope he can work out a lossless.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 4-5/5
Editing: 5/5

That said, important announcement!

There are two tracks free (see the first post). BUT, if you want a track that hasn't given me beta yet, while being signed up from the start (namely ArashinomeAMV's and Otohiko's), you can do the beta as well. If I like it and they don't give me nothing before you do, you'll be taken instead of them. This doesn't count for those who are already signed up, sorry :<

The final beta term will be announced once I have ALL the betas from you (and as you have seen, the beta time limit is rather short, so go go go!)

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Phlu » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:28 pm

Please just kick me already 8-)

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Vax » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:44 pm

Nya-chan Production wrote:Recapitulation of the betas:
Full beta (1:24) , best approach about betaing, sent me 4 pieces and improved over them. Third of my favourites so far. In the end almost perfect editing, very good source (and I have seen wmv only so far) and great mellow feel. Hope he can work out a lossless.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 4-5/5
Editing: 5/5

Good news and bad news.

Good: I gotz the goods[lossless]
Bad: Can't re-edit my track :|

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Nya-chan Production » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:38 pm

Vax wrote:
Nya-chan Production wrote:Recapitulation of the betas:
Full beta (1:24) , best approach about betaing, sent me 4 pieces and improved over them. Third of my favourites so far. In the end almost perfect editing, very good source (and I have seen wmv only so far) and great mellow feel. Hope he can work out a lossless.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 4-5/5
Editing: 5/5

Good news and bad news.

Good: I gotz the goods[lossless]
Bad: Can't re-edit my track :|
Wah, I wanted you to redo one small thing/error. Well, doesn't matter, if you can get lossless in, I can fix it, probably (I'll ask you to check it, before finalizing, though). Great you can submit lossless, man! (b^^)b

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by Chez » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:39 am

Nya-chan Production wrote:Recapitulation of the betas:

Nice idea, length of :53. Sadly has to be rebuilt from the scratch.
Idea: 4/5
Editing: 3/5
yeah i will have another beta of the redo in about a week or two once school slows down a bit and basically this freelance work is finished busy busy busy l:
Image I stream and stuff o.o

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Re: Mellow project [ZOMG, TWO FREE PLACES AGAIN!!!]

Post by LeapofFate » Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:23 am

Nya-chan Production wrote:
25s of awsmsauce, one of my favourites. Quality right up there, beautiful idea, precise editing with only some to-be-fixed spots.
Idea: 5/5
Technical: 5/5
Editing: 4/5


/pets Nya.


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