by CodeZTM » Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:31 pm
Ok people. This is a very important post we have here today. Yes, I can be serious at times.
First of all, I have set the Deadline for the final TO EXACTLY October 21. If you need an extension, I will NOT grant one past October 23. This is the rare window of time that I have high speed internet to download all of the segments.
Please remember that I must see a beta before I see the final.
I will update the main page's post sometime soon, I'm busy at the moment, but I thought I would be considerate today.
As for the opening sequence & transitions....
I have decided to not overcomplicate either one of them. Segments will transition similar to Yuri Collections or Yaoi Dream Puppets. You name, and the name of your segment will appear at the bottom of the screen. As for opening, it will be short and sweet. I'll post a beta sometime next week or the week after that.
Calendar Wise? Final Product Wise? If I get all the segments by October 23, it will take me roughy into November-December to release. I plan to work on it and hopefully release it during Thanksgiving. If not, we're sadly looking early December. IT all depends on the workload I have, and on a lot of things I have no control over until the time actually comes.
Continued Projects?
I plan to open Clow's Collection 2 next year, roughly in May.
If you have any dedication requests to be put in the credits, please inform me by the deadline.