AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:30 pm

Don't think you're gettin' out of this without revealing yourself to us either, Deuce :wink: I can totally see us all getting completely lost if this isn't coordinated correctly. Very few of us know what any of the others look like currently, with the exception of these pictures, so...

Heh, I'll be walking around with a sketchbook with a printed composite of all your pictures so I can recognize you, so it'll probably look to the other con-goers that I'm casing the joint for criminals ^^ SMILE!

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:11 am


I do cosplay but by that time of night I probably won't be anymore. Chances are good though that I'll be wearing a sound activated Space Invaders shirt which is kind of distinctive.
And I always write moonbunnychan on my badge.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:32 am


I have sad news.

Apparently there was a lot of adult material this year for Otakon and, for whatever reason, they can't fit us in for a world premiere this time. Yeah, I'm beyond disappointed.

The only upside is they're replaying AMV Salad 3 (which is no consolation to those of you who came on board this year). I wonder if they forgot there's a AMVS4 teaser at the end of that promising a AMVS4 at Otakon 2010..? Hopefully they will and people will ask about it after the screening.

Anyway, I can tell you this also. I was informed a couple of weeks ago that I'll be showing the entire AMV Salad series at Anime USA November 12-14 (night and time TBA). And since I'm on Katsucon AMV staff, I'll probably run AMVS 3 & 4 there as well. Tekkoshocon is usually a lock. Nekocon is also steady. In addition, I'm going to petition more conventions this year to add AMV Salad to their late-night viewing menus. I wanna make sure as many people as possible see the work we put into this project.

But yeah...small consolation for not getting the Otakon premiere. Hopefully something will change and AMVS4 will end up in the lineup somewhere. Keep faith but don't hold your breath, I guess... :down:
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Kireblue » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:47 am

Is there a reason why they can't cancel showing the third one and instead show the 4th?

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:13 am

Wait a second... that's not reasonable, we worked hard on this. I would say yeah switch it out with AMVS3, I want to see that again, yes, but what the hell? Deuce, we need you to argue for this, AMVS has been a staple for years at Otakon now, and it's not that long a presentation by comparison to others. I mean seriously, there has to be some kind of compromise. What does 'adult material' have to do with anything? Too much stuff that can't be shown before 10?

Deuce, please mention to them, anyone who was at AMVS3 can tell you that it was THE MOST laughter of that night, I can promise you, I was there. The only thing comparable was DBZ Abridged. There was no question how much enjoyment people had during AMVS3. AMVS4 is in the same vein. There has got to be something that can be done. For me at least I made my clips specifically for Otakon, I have no other cons I can afford to attend!

Please, we still have time, get in contact with them and please communicate that we're willing to compromise somehow. They could even show AMVS3 before 10, like they did with AMV Hell 3.14 a couple years ago, how they played it as a lead-in to the fanparodies that night. It has a couple curses, but nothing particularly bad, and 'fucking jump' doesn't show up until later, so it'll be near 10 anyway.

I'm begging you Deuce, push for this like you've never pushed for anything before. Offer them alternatives like that, they will respond better to alternatives that will meet everyone halfway.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:24 am

kireblue wrote:Is there a reason why they can't cancel showing the third one and instead show the 4th?
They're supposed to be showing "older / classic" material on Friday and new stuff Saturday night, which is allegedly jammed full. I'm looking into it.

I've already responded to them about it.
I've plead our case as much as I can without sounding like I'm gonna tear someone's heart out if we don't get the premiere.
I don't know what they have this year but apparently they say they can't squeeze the new one in.
I'm trying to find out exactly why AMVS4 is on the chopping block.
They have the file so, if I can change their mind about it, that won't be an issue.
We have to just wait and find out what the deal is before we can go further.
I'm more upset about this than anyone because AMVS has been premiered three years so far and I'm having to speak for all who are involved.
Anyway, I'll fill you all in as soon as I hear from them again.
I'm doing all I can since I've hyped this thing up everywhere possible...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:35 am

Oh man, I don't know that I can put into words how disappointing this news is...I think the English language lacks them.

I really doubt they'll change their minds though. I'm gonna take a guess though that it was the large amount of swearing that would get it pushed back to a later timeslot, and I'm guessing they had a lot of late night only stuff. It just better be the most amazing things ever to have bumped this out.
I doubt very seriously the average fan gives a crap at all about language, but it may be something to keep in mind for the future.

I'd argue with them too but I hate to say I dunno how much good it'll do. It's been my experience that once Otakon makes it's mind up about something that's kinda it. It may be a bit late in the game to even offer up a cleaner version (if, that is, that was their reasoning).

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:38 am

There's nothing anywhere that says they have to show only older/classic ones. I desperately want to see both AMVS3 and AMVS4 at Otakon again, but if we must choose one, obviously the one that needs to premiere needs to be the one without question. If nothing else, the fact that we have AMVS3 guaranteed means we can get this switched as our most viable alternative. At the very least we must push for the possibility of getting both for the sake of the pattern. I mean... it's true, anything that is live action needs to be friggan cut because they always suck without question. That fact hasn't been proven wrong in the 8 years I've gone with the exception of that one chase video done to Tank, and that was 4 minutes long.

*sigh* Anyone else have potential alternatives besides those already mentioned? Any ammunition Deuce can get would probably open up more possibilities. We only need that one concession to get a yes, so let's find as many paths to it as possible.

I don't think the language is the problem either, moonbunnychan. I admit, it may have been a determining factor in deciding which one got removed due to overflow, but the simple reality (which is a good thing in its own way) seems to be that just more people are doing things to fill in the new generation. It may in fact mean that one of the two 'elder' fanparody creators made a new one, either the creators of Steam/Otakudom or Nescaflowne/Redeath. Honestly the only thing that would sate my despair at this point would be that... but I don't feel like it's hopeless. I get the distinct feeling that this is a challenge and we have to rise to it rather than give into it.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:48 am

As a side thought, could we perhaps go to the Otakon boards and make a post saying what has happened and request people express their interest in seeing the new stuff? It could even be in terms of replacing AMVS3 with AMVS4, but it might be worth a shot if we do it soon enough.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:55 am

A friend of mine used to do the Great Teacher Largo panel/show, which for several years running filled up and turned people away at the door of the biggest panel room they had. Then one year it just mysteriously got rejected. When he pressed them about it, the reason they ended up giving was that they wanted to clear the way to give somebody new a chance.

I have to wonder if it's the same reasoning here (stupid nonsensical reasoning though it may be).


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