CascadaThon (Betas Due August 10th)

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 10 Days (April 5th)

Post by LittleAtari » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:53 pm

TwilightChrono wrote:Here is my review:

Well, seeing as how I am a guy, I'm all for nudity and a girl spreading her legs but the whole video was nothing but that. It wasn't nearly as fast as the song, and there was no beat sync present. No offense, but it looks like you threw this together in about 20 minutes or so. The quality isn't there either, but that is something that can be taken care of. I vote for a re-editing of the beta. I would advise against the whole nudity thing. It's the reason why I re-made my whole first beta. I think LA will agree with me on this. I'm not trying to be harsh, just saying, that I really don't like the nudity and the complete absence of beat sync. The whole video doesn't have to be beat sync, FYI. Also, there is a complete lack of story as well. I saw none. Anyway, that's my opinion. Let's hear what LA has to say.

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to sound mean or harsh, you wanted a review, and I'm giving it. Hope this was helpful. There are a lot of ways in which this beta can be improved, but I don't see how you will be able to keep the nudity. Is that rain effect from AE or was that part of the anime? I forget.
Quoting for reference.

First TC, you talk too much.
Now for my review:
Nudity: If the nudity isnt detailed, I usually don't care. It took me a while to even notice the whole spreading legs thing. My thing is, I still wouldn't be able to watch this in public without someone passing by thinking 'What the Hell?' and thinking that I'm some sort of pervert.
Rain: the rain is fine, it looks like rain to me.
Quality: It looks like you didnt clean it up properly or something went wrong in compression. I'll look over you script.

However, all of these aren't the real problem of the beta. The problem is that nothing really goes on in the track. There's no type of movement, be it sync, actual movement in story or concept. For the most part the only thing that some people may be able to take away is that this girl is sad. As for re-editing the the beta, I think it needs to be completely redone.

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 10 Days (April 5th)

Post by Inan » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:56 pm

LittleAtari wrote:
TwilightChrono wrote:Here is my review:

Well, seeing as how I am a guy, I'm all for nudity and a girl spreading her legs but the whole video was nothing but that. It wasn't nearly as fast as the song, and there was no beat sync present. No offense, but it looks like you threw this together in about 20 minutes or so. The quality isn't there either, but that is something that can be taken care of. I vote for a re-editing of the beta. I would advise against the whole nudity thing. It's the reason why I re-made my whole first beta. I think LA will agree with me on this. I'm not trying to be harsh, just saying, that I really don't like the nudity and the complete absence of beat sync. The whole video doesn't have to be beat sync, FYI. Also, there is a complete lack of story as well. I saw none. Anyway, that's my opinion. Let's hear what LA has to say.

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to sound mean or harsh, you wanted a review, and I'm giving it. Hope this was helpful. There are a lot of ways in which this beta can be improved, but I don't see how you will be able to keep the nudity. Is that rain effect from AE or was that part of the anime? I forget.
Quoting for reference.

First TC, you talk too much.
Now for my review:
Nudity: If the nudity isnt detailed, I usually don't care. It took me a while to even notice the whole spreading legs thing. My thing is, I still wouldn't be able to watch this in public without someone passing by thinking 'What the Hell?' and thinking that I'm some sort of pervert.
Rain: the rain is fine, it looks like rain to me.
Quality: It looks like you didnt clean it up properly or something went wrong in compression. I'll look over you script.

However, all of these aren't the real problem of the beta. The problem is that nothing really goes on in the track. There's no type of movement, be it sync, actual movement in story or concept. For the most part the only thing that some people may be able to take away is that this girl is sad. As for re-editing the the beta, I think it needs to be completely redone.

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by TwilightChrono » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:56 pm

Sorry for talking too much XD

Just putting my take on the beta.
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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by Vivaldi » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:46 pm

Can someone send me the beta too?

LittleAtari wrote:alright Vivaldi, I've been giving your final some thought and I have to say I really do feel like the new footage in there is out of place. I know you put it in there because you felt that the camera movement scene was too long and didn't have enough sync, but I feel that scene serves as a build up for the rest of the track. The only thing about the sync there is that it's a different type of sync than what's present in the rest of the track, but I still like it. If you still feel the need to alter that scene then the most I'll let you do to it is add a motioned lens flare that syncs to a beat or two because it wont take away from the track or feel of it. You don't even have to do the lens flare. It's just a suggestion. Hope to have your final soon.
Hmm, how would you feel if I reworked the scene to be shorter and sync more in line with the rest of the amv? Also, are there any other scenes you have reservations with? Such as the added overlay at 0:13?

Also, I'll drop before I add a lens flare to my track, just saying.
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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by LittleAtari » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:20 pm

Vivaldi wrote: Hmm, how would you feel if I reworked the scene to be shorter and sync more in line with the rest of the amv? Also, are there any other scenes you have reservations with? Such as the added overlay at 0:13?

Also, I'll drop before I add a lens flare to my track, just saying.
Alright no lens flare then :sweat: . the overlay at :13 was good. You're more than welcome to rework it to get it to how you like it.

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by Vivaldi » Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:43 am

About sakuraslight's beta, I pretty much agree with what TC and LA said. Massive amounts of nudity could be a problem, though I'd like it note it's honestly still less erotic and gratuitous than TC's track. (If this is going to be a matter of taste and not just getting around org restrictions.)

But yeah, if you want to edit in a slower style, it needs to have more meaning to keep the person interested than some naked lady convulsing about in the rain.
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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by LittleAtari » Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:58 am

Vivaldi wrote:About sakuraslight's beta, I pretty much agree with what TC and LA said. Massive amounts of nudity could be a problem, though I'd like it note it's honestly still less erotic and gratuitous than TC's track. (If this is going to be a matter of taste and not just getting around org restrictions.)
TC's Track has been revamped. There's like no more fan service o_0. But in comparison to his first track and this one, yes you are right.

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by TwilightChrono » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:22 am

You haven't seen my new beta have you Vivaldi?
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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by Hagaren Viper » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:40 am

While we're at it, I haven't seen TC's track either. And can I see Sakura's?

As for my track, I think I'm almost done. I want to finish the rest of the track before I go back and revise the beginning though.

First TC, you talk too much.
made me lol. XD

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Re: CascadaThon Betas Due in 9 Days (April 5th)

Post by sakuraslight » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:59 am

Hay guys. I was going for a consept thing with her being surrounded by water and it raining.

but if its to Nude for you thats ok i will change.

Should have a new one for you in a day or so thanks for the comments guys.


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