AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:08 am

Even if it is, they need to make an exception for this. A panel is one thing, but this is literally months of work. For myself, I literally took a break from working on animations to get a new job to complete the clips I did. If this thing doesn't play, it will literally have been wasted time, and I just can't handle that... AMVS3 literally SAYS AMVS4 will be at Otakon 2010, so it's not like it was a surprise that this was on the way. If they don't intend to play another AMVS at Otakon, they should just tell us now, but at the very least not squander our hard work this year.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:12 am

I'm thinking that may have something to do with it but seriously...if they can't replace stale entries like Leebop and laughless material from VG with what we have to offer, I have to wonder what their rationale is.

I will say this. If we still can't get AMVS4 on the card and the same tired BS comes up where they could have placed our stuff, there's gonna be a public stink raised in as many places as possible...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:17 am

Okay, I'm assuming you're saying that as an example, but Leebop cleared the fucking room. There was nothing entertaining about it. Seriously. The only reason anything entertaining came from it is two-fold for me and my friends, like I've said before. The pathetic chocolate milk scene where an entire minute and a half is spent on stirring a fucking glass of chocolate milk, and when they took the time to tie a rope to a railing and some awesome individual decided to scream "FUCKING JUMP" which was the ONLY laugh the damn thing got (I admit, I was proud of that).

Please, if Leebop happens to be on the docket, remind them that it utterly destroyed the fanparodies of that night. Same with Fisting the North Star. It was a half-hour gay joke that even offended me with how friggan horribly overdone the gay joke was. It was about 20 minutes too long. God I pray they wise up...

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:36 am

Alright, y''s the official word:
"AMVS4 can not be shown in the Fan Parody Block because it is too
adult. Since Otakon has many young attendees it has very specific
rules about adult material. It can be shown, but it needs to be in a
room that is clearly advertised as an adult program, cleared out, and
carded. There is way too much profanity and nudity in a few of the
clips (SONY POS, Babewatch, etc) to allow it to be shown in a general
room, which is what the Fan Parody Screening is. It's the same reason
we don't show "Hamsta Gangstas", "Pika-Fuck-Chu", or hentai parodies.
It is true that there is SOME profanity in the videos that we screen
and we're always right on the edge of getting in trouble. I push it
as much as I can, but we just can't get away with AMVS4. There's just
too much for the open seating room.

Think of it this way: The room is PG-13, but some of your scenes
landed you an R rating.

I would LOVE to have an adult parody screening. That would be
awesome. Maybe we can push for it next year.

Let me know if you can either get me a "cleaned up" version (by
Monday morning)
, or if we should use 3, or if you want me to pull

I've got some e-mails out on the matter, but I don't think it'll
do any good. One thought would be to show it last and warn people,
but the rule is to clear the room and check ages of everyone coming
in. That's not practical.

Sorry again. As a fellow creator, I know how this must feel.
I've even pulled my own new project from the roster this year. That's
been the better part of a year in the making.

I hope this is clear and you don't take it a judgment. I really liked
the Geico ads and a lot of the other stuff, but a few of the segments
push the whole project to the adult level."
So cleaning this up to a "more acceptable" rating shouldn't be difficult. Some funny noises to cover up the worst of the profanity and some pixelation on the jiggly's worth a try.

What say ye? I can get this done pretty quickly...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:18 am

Wait... that doesn't make any sense for Babewatch. There IS no nudity in it! Eiken is PG13 it's just suggestive! I don't get it, it's suposed to be for adults, if kids get in then that's their choice.

Whatever. I don't know how Eiken can be changed, there is no nudity in it anyway. Argue that point, otherwise there really is only the choice to cut that... however the Sony POS one I had already planned how to censor.

I'm going to censor Sony POS tomorrow, I won't be the reason everyone's work gets cut. You need to ask EXACTLY what we can get away with. Because I can censor Sony POS and still attempt to maintain its humor using specific sounds I have, but stuff like Neighbors the entire joke is based on that line landing. Same with the Number 2 clip.

I need you to do me a big favor and get word back on if those two can be allowed. "FUCKING JUMP" made it in, and landed so strongly, everyone loved it. Please utilize that fact to request that the less obtrusive clips be allowed to remain since they're so quick. Late night TV allows for a certain number of curses as well, I think they should go by that logic as well.

I'm sorry all, I'll take care of it as fast as possible. It's too late for me now, but I'll get on it as soon as I wake up and get it sent off to you Deuce.

Are we guaranteed both AMVS3 and AMVS4 if this is taken care of?

And please request based on how effective FUCKING JUMP was to allow quick clips like Neighbors and Number 2. At least we can get a little of it... and find out what words specifically are causing issue. Ask to get away with some of the George Carlin words. I can go for "Fuck" and "Shit" I guess, but there's "God damn" which should be fine, and "Cocksucking" I think is riding the line, but it should be okay because... well it's just funny. I need specifics as soon as possible please. I mean, some of those like "God damned ass backwards fuck" will make no sense with a random bleep at the end... there's no way I can maintain the full effect, which is really friggan sad.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:59 am

I had to make a decision on the Eiken Club clip. I see where there COULD be arguments toward things being "too suggestive" (the blond girl going down on the chocolate banana, the very nearly naked chick near the end). I thought about it and feel that, while this wouldn't be a big deal at other conventions where I have a dedicated panel which I can dictate a rating for and request my own time, I'm gonna have to leave this clip out for Otakon.

I don't like having to do it but then it gives us a "uncensored" or "deleted scenes" version in addition to the premiere. Yeah, I'm trying to find an upside to this.

Anyway, Gael...I'm gonna send you the audio track for the tentative edit to your email in a minute. Get back to me and tell me what you think.

Other than those two places, there's no reason (judging from past years) why the rest of this video can't stay the way it is. Since those two clips were the only ones cited, that's what we should assume the real problem was.

I'll be trying to work with them all day on this even if I never get to sleep (been up all night over this). Stay tuned...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:15 am

What I intend to do is take my large collection of cartoon sound effects and sort of meet them half way so we get the best of both worlds. For example I'll let swears be "f(sound)ing and sh(sound)" so we'll get the intention and a funny noise where appropriate. I'll be going through each swear individually and choosing sounds to maximize effect. It shouldn't take that long, but I need to be the one to also censor the text on the bottom as well.

I'll check your version out too, but I'm totally fading, I'll set an alarm though and only get a few hours sleep... either way I'll have it for you by tomorrow night at the latest. I don't see why you can't tell them it's being edited so just put the original into whatever editing they're doing for timing purposes, and go ahead and replace it with the censor when we're done.

But please Deuce, make absolutely sure that they're okay with those uses I mentioned. We don't want to do this under any assumptions, but we have to push for minimal censorship in the two major areas. Sony POS assaults you with curses, so that one even I can understand. The Eiken Babewatch one was really long, so while the idea was sound, I feel the clip wasn't tremendously strong as it was. I felt the joke was a little over the age group of the audience with the breast reference sizes even I'd never heard of.

I'll do everything I can for this, but if you can buy us a day or two with having them put it in with the guarantee of censorship, we can reach a good middle ground with a little extra time.

EDIT: HAHAHAHA!! Okay Deuce, I like the way you did it. Since i have to edit the text anyway, can you please rar up the sound effects you used and send them to me? You have quite a few I don't have (I stole mine from school ^^) Please send me the ones you used, I like many of your ideas. The one where I lost it was where you turned "Shit" into what sounded like "Fish." I particularly love the reversal of Fucking Piece of Shit into giberish ^^ It's so confusing but so ridiculous ^^ You did a great job. If you have the Aqua Teen "eeefff" sound too, I'd love that one.

You're on the ball though, I knew the thing wouldn't be destroyed by censorship, it's just annoying. That first 'sh(burp)' was pretty much what I had planned in the style of censorship. Allowing 'ings' and such to minimize the censorship and not make the sounds so much the focus.

Great work though ^^ I'm totally making sure to keep the "Piece of fish."

EDIT 2: Actually Deuce, since you already have this setup, we could do it in such a way that I edit the text (maybe change it to not include swears and make a more creative thing to write) and you handle the audio. A few of the sounds could use replacements I think to fit the sort of 'feel' and we can just discuss those when I wake up. I can handle it, but you seem quite quick with the sound edits. My only real requested change is to do your best to maintain the first sounds and the ings like I mentioned. For example when the kid goes 'impossible to use fucking piece of shit' and 'cocksucking piece of shit' I think we can keep 'sucking' and just censor 'cock' so it sounds less like a jumble of sounds for dual-swears like that (and also we can make it 'motherf(sound)ing I think). Sound good? Either way though, please rar up those sounds for me, I love them ^^ I'll do a version anyway to see what I can pull off I guess.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:32 am

The sounds I used were really...
1. a quick burp recording;
2. splices of a continuous clown sound stream;
3. the word "shit" spliced on the track and reversed.
I'll pack those up for you and send them along but I know there's no room to ask for an extra day. They're putting together the shows starting tomorrow morning, hence the request to have it to them then. I already told them what we're doing so I'll be awaiting their preferred method of file delivery if there are no other concerns from their end. :roll:
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by Kireblue » Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:00 am

When you finalize the censored version, can you send me the file? I'm the AMV Assistant Director for Momocon, and I would love to show AMV Salad 4 during the MEP showcase that I plan to have at Momocon 2011. Momocon isn't until March, so I'm not in any hurry. But unlike the guy from Otakon, I wouldn't even be able to show the uncensored version late at night since Momocon intentionally doesn't have any adult screenings or programming blocks specifically for adult material.

Edit: I'm not sure if the guy from Otakon will have a problem with this as well, but the following clips would also make me just a little hesitant about showing this.

1) Fuck You (Haruhi) clip
2) @#$% it, I'm gonna go masturbate (Genshiken) clip

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Convention Premiere TBA)

Post by krvabo » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:13 am

You know, this is why most Europeans find Americans to be hypocrits. :P

No problems with showing violence to kids, or car crashes, but heaven forbid the word shit is used on tv or a screening :P

How young can the audience really be.. kids at the age of 13 can stand the word 'fuck' right?


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