Groove Coverage MEP (DONE!)

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by CodeZTM » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:32 am

MystykAMV wrote:
Code: it's very good, I like it, but aren't there too many fighting scenes? maybe instead of some of the fighting scenes you could use some lovely memories or whatever :P and maybe you could make the blurs nicer (lengthen them maybe?) and also you could emphasize some beats (flashes or copy the layer zoom it and take down opacity or just something it's not necessary though, just saying) :P :up:
I'm fine with all those alterations except for the flashes/zooms. I personally don't like them, and I'm not comfortable adding them to my AMV.

But everything else is definitely doable. I'll work on a little more scene variety and add a little more sentimentality to it.

Although I might wait to see what everyone else thinks before starting. Aimo usually gives great advice like you Mysty. :)


Oh, and about Mp4s? If Tritio didn't save it, you can still get the same quality as a lossless AVI file out of it. Assuming that the lossless file was properly encoded at high standards, Just do a ffmpegsource2(), run it through vdub and you'll have the very similar quality.

Although if it wasn't encoded properly, this might be a problem. :uhoh:

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by MystykAMV » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:38 am

Code: okay sure :P they were just examples :P

and yeah I know I can have a lossless file (but I'm also lazy to switch to win XP and then swtich to Win7 and then there might be problems, I might have to convert it 3 times cuz sometimes the lagarith files have blank clips I don't know why) so the easiest way would be if he could do the same result and send the lossless to me, but if not then I'll just convert it with vdm, but you know Code I have written it clearly in what file format I need the final version, and he also send me the scene which is needed for transition in be careful next time D: (and save your project) T_T

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by CodeZTM » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:46 am

Oh I see, I wasn't aware of your computer status. I was just offering advice. And yes, I too understand the annoyance of people not sending it in an appropriate format [done quite a few MEPs myself]. Albeit, nothing is more annoying than getting it in the wrong video size. XD

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by AimoAio » Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:30 pm

Code: I agree with Mystyk about the fight scenes, they're nice but there's too much of them so slipping a few memory scenes/sakura faces might help pace it out better. Another thing, the flow was a little....strange. I can see you were going for beat sync but it just didn't kind of work. I suspect this might be to do with the strength of the blurs, if you could lighten them and make them smoother(by adding a blur at the end of the previous clip) that might help with the flow. Alternatively, you could go for half beat sync and half flow/lyric sync - say 0:00-0:14 was beat sync and then 0:15 onwards could be lyric sync(not literal lyric sync sync nonetheless? XD) sometimes having a little variety can help with flow issues.

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by CodeZTM » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:55 pm

Well, I tried lyric sync previously in my first attempt [Bakemongatari], and the others weren't fond of it, and I was instructed to go for pure beat sync. I get the feeling if I changed it up in the second half like that, I'd probably be right back at where I started. XD

EDIT: Actually, I think I may have found an ok balance. Let me run with this. :3

But I do agree on slipping in some memories, which is very doable. I'll also work on the blurs and try to lighten them up a tad.

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by FadingSundown » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:46 pm

Beta testing:
Tritio: To be honest, I hadnt noticed those nose things at all until Mystyk pointed them out xD! I love the text now, it really looks like they were there to begin with ^^! I have the feeling that the later it is in the track, the more dull the colors get. For example, the colors in the beginning are nice and bright, but at the ending the color seems a bit dull. For the rest, I really like it :3!

Code: I have to echo the others about the fighting scenes. A few fighting scenes would be good, but now there is mostly fighting, while it might be better if you focus on 'the love' xD. Also, I havent seen Tsubasa etc, but there was a scene I've seen in many AMVs, where there is some sort of glass between them and they look at eachother. I think that scene and sort of scenes would fit better in your MEP track. And, because my track is behind yours, I dont think that the blood really fits. My song is about someone wanting to run away (think about a couple having a fight (a quarrel I think you call it in English) and then you have some sort of idea what my part is about (or it is just about wanting to run away from something). I dont know the story line of this anime, so 2 of the same persons fighting eachother looks kind of... weird. I am NOT saying that the fighting scenes are bad, not at all, but I do like the moments when he protects her and she hugs him more. You could do a zoom-in into sn eye and than a zoom-out from another eye as transition (for example at 0:25 her eye zoom-in - 0:26 his closed eyes zoom-out). My suggestion sometimes turn out to be crap suggestions but I think it is worth a try to try it out. A little bit more contrast to intensify those beautiful colors might look better too.

Hitori: The transitions are overused. Zoom-ins will look good too, for example at 0:04: from the scene of her head towards her eyes. And at 0:11 the same. Her sitting next to the other girl and then zoom-in. A bit further in the MEP part where you do quicker scenes... I dont think you should use the transition there. I really like the transition, I do, but I think zoom-ins and pushes would really look better. For the example of zoom-ins I suggest you look at MelyoraMel's beta, she has nice zoom-ins. Maybe, but this is just in my view, black and white might look good. Sorry if you find it annoying that everyone is repeating the same about the flashes etc, I just had to point it out too ><.

I am sorry for my inactivity! I have been really busy with MEP parts lately and they all had a set deadline that cannot not be moved (for example, the Halloween MEP ;P). I have to admit that I havent worked on my part alot lately. I have fixed the ending and I have done clip selection for the beginning of my part, but I hope to be able to finish my MEP part by the end of this week.

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by Hitori » Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:48 pm

FadingSundown wrote:Hitori: The transitions are overused. Zoom-ins will look good too, for example at 0:04: from the scene of her head towards her eyes. And at 0:11 the same. Her sitting next to the other girl and then zoom-in. A bit further in the MEP part where you do quicker scenes... I dont think you should use the transition there. I really like the transition, I do, but I think zoom-ins and pushes would really look better. For the example of zoom-ins I suggest you look at MelyoraMel's beta, she has nice zoom-ins. Maybe, but this is just in my view, black and white might look good. Sorry if you find it annoying that everyone is repeating the same about the flashes etc, I just had to point it out too ><.
No prob! I'm basically scrapping the idea I originally had and focusing it on the two of them and their relationship. Totally reworking the video with different ideas. So, everything will be new and redone. :mrgreen:

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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by EvaFan » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:06 pm

Track definitely needs more lyric sync. Beginning and end are ok but middle is like the lyrics are being ignored. You could use those blurs to blur out a scene with a fade to show past images/memories/ or whatever and fade/blurr back into fighting a few times or atleast during the most powerful part. Specifically to powerful lyrics like "I give you my heart, my everything". Just an idea anyway, it definitely would benefit from some lyric sync in the middle cause it just feels like action was thrown in for filler.
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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by TritioAFB » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:41 pm

Now I'm like what?

File was always in a certain folder I use xD

I guess this means not more for me. But Mystyk in the case of Code, in some way you need my final scene like that considering that the first scene in the beta from Code melts into my final, actually the possible transition there is a Crossfade, cause a flash is useless there (From night to light), zoom is not appropiate due to the movement my final has, and since my scene stops in certan point, and the first scene that Code is using doesnt move, the best thing there is a crossfade.

Unless Code says something about it ;)
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Re: Groove Coverage MEP (FILLED!)

Post by MystykAMV » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:40 am

Tritio: awesome you found the final xD I'll download it when I get home :3

Fadingsundown: I'll be happy to see your beta 8D

and how is MelyoraMel doing with her part? I'll also contact riccardocasu, I think he can send us his final soon.


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