TwofaceCrono got dumped by his "fiance".Hagaren Viper wrote:I dont want to sound rude/nosy/etc., but did something happen?
Drama to follow in 3.. 2.. 1..
TwofaceCrono got dumped by his "fiance".Hagaren Viper wrote:I dont want to sound rude/nosy/etc., but did something happen?
Ignoratio elenchiDar wrote:Code wrote:That was about the most rude, inconsiderate fucking horrible thing to say when the damn thing is still in production mode, and the dude just went through a bad situation.Dar wrote:So... we still doing this MEP? Or is it cancelled since u got dumped?
It's a fucking AMV project. Let the man have some peace for a few days before asking something like that, and ask it in a fucking tactful manner. I hate stirring drama or arguing on the internet especially on this forum anymore, but for fuck's sake, that was just horrible. =(
u think thats horrible u should have been there in irc :p
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]