moonbunnychan wrote:Before you make the new beta I think we should try and make some sort of list of things we all pretty much agree on. There's a whole lot of ideas floating around.
I was watching My Little Pony (like the grown adult I am) and there's a part in the one I was watching that may be perfect for the whole "people randomly exploding" thing... at the 1:55 mark. (I just can't think of anything to put it to).
I agree on the list idea. Not sure how to make one we all agree on, I know of some I think that some others don't quite agree on and I can mention those to bring them to the forefront for discussion, but other than that, what if we just listed every clip and made a template in spoiler tags that people can make notes on? Simple ones that can be addressed afterward. We couldn't do it until after AMA at this point though, but that'll help as well to have reactions to base it on.
This new My Little Pony is actually quite well done ^^ If for no other reason than I enjoy the animations, it's quite well done. No wonder 4chan has hijacked it. For the audio, that's an instance where they introduce the concept, which does actually set up an event, but in this case the audio is too roundabout I think. Plus this is another reason why a human or creature randomly exploding doesn't work, because once you mention it, it's no longer 'random,' and people look for it, thus killing the comedic timing. It's never really random though. The whole psychology of this type of comedy is using the preconceived notions established in modern comedy in our society. Button clicks, someone saying 'famous last words, etc. to lead into it without anyone being able to follow consciously, but subconsciously the seed is planted. So it was a good thought, but please trust me, I'm not arbitrarily saying that we can't blow up a human.
Points where blowing up humans works are so rare that it's really too much work compared to a funnier and simpler alternatives. One example is last night I was watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force when they bring in Billy Witchdoctor and the scene is like 5 minutes long where he goes "Arise Chicken" and then Frylock blows him up. That's technically a random act, but Billy had to establish himself as such a moron that Frylock would do that without anyone knowing it was coming. Not the best example, but the only one I've seen that works recently.
Honou_Miko wrote:I'm... back! lol.
Welcome back, Miko! ^^
How To Train Your Dragon If I'm not mistaken, isn't this one moonbunnychan's? Unfortunately many of hers need some lipsync love to achieve their full potential. I didn't feel this one was one of them as much as the others I mentioned, though, but things only get better with solid lipsync, that's a fact. Our blood, sweat and tears proved that last year I think
"Oh my gawwwd! I've never felt so stewped!" "Really!?"
France whipping his hair back and forth Well dammit... that was a perfect pallet cleanser... another alternative is to request usage from that author like I do with Captpan6 to use the clip, but that may be too much for 2 seconds...
Moomin Which one was this? And I must disagree with you, obscurity is too risky. Inside jokes are funny, but when they're set up. I'm sure you also know that, but they can backfire far easier than they can work, especially in a niche as diverse as convention Otaku ^^
trollface Agreed entirely. Trollface is valuable because it's a good build, but also a slow build with a payoff. It's perfect for right after a very funny one with a quick punchline like "Sucky sucky 5 dollah." Although for me, Sucky Sucky is now not as funny as when I saw it the first time before the prostitution one. It's not as surprising and out of nowhere anymore, so I'm a little sad. I was literally needing to pause to laugh when I saw that clip alone the first time out of nowhere.
Robot Unicorn We're definitely not separate from the AMV Hell audience. Which is why I'm so adamant about making this one work as an explosion. I guarantee at least some of the audience will immediately roll their eyes or go 'oh god' or something. We'll lose them for a few seconds, and the only way not only to win them back, but win them back in such a way that they'll be even MORE on our side, is to make the explosion as funny and over the top as possible I think. Moonbunnychan you said you like it because it's close to the game? For me, that's the problem, there's nothing special about the explosion scene. I was expecting something different, and was greeted with something I've seen before, if that makes sense. The best possible explosion we could find is a really large one on some kind of island, floating land, whatever, anything close to something that emulates a very quick cut to a far shot that shows a giant explosion in a similar environment.
Excel Saga clip Unfortunately no, I don't see an explosion working for this clip as it is. She's already blowing things up and they're on fire. It removes any of the surprise, plus Excel is already so random and random shit is attached to her very name in anime fans' minds. This is why I tend to avoid using parody anime, because they're already a parody, so it's exceptionally risky to do.
It's A Small World This clip is fine without knowing Hetalia intimately. I know of the concept and therefore get the joke with the concept. But the fact that you tried to explain the deeper meaning of the joke should tell you that it won't work for the general audience in that way ^^ Luckily, it's iconic in every other way. They're chibis, so even if someone didn't know Hetalia, it'd work. For the general audience, your clip is too long. For Hetalia fans, they'll have something deeper to get. So it's a good balance.
Hetalia Les Grossman I'd be more than happy to do this clip, seriously. We have no censorship this year, and I want to Les Grossman the fuck out of it. The only think I'm reluctant about is I need a scene of someone on a phone to truly make it strong since the audio dips in and out of the phone.
I have another idea I really need Deuce to tell me if he can allow me to do it or not for after AMA. I mentioned it before. Stein singing the Charlie Sheen Bi-Winning remix. It'll be like a 50-second clip, but I desperately want to do it this year while Charlie Sheen's insanity is still fresh.
One other thing, if we can't find people walking away from explosions, perhaps we can ask the AMA audience if they know any? It may be a bit 'unprofessional' or whatever, but who cares?