I'll give it a shot and see how it looks.You may want to add a drop shadow to all of the title text. In the case of the first track (soul eater/ sword in the stone), the white text kinda blends in with the beginning of the video. Adding a drop shadow might be a good way to fix this. The light pole in Vej's angel beats track causes a similar issue.
I want to say yes, but you'd have to ask AllyKatAVR, since she did it. XDI absolutely love your decision to put the soul eater/ sword in the stone track first as a intro, and then start off with the redline/ cars track. And on that note, was the red book in the beginning custom animation? I actually need something like that in a collab that I'm about to start working on.
I'll play around and see where else it might fit.I kinda feel that because of the serious mood of the samurai x/ mulan track , it should be moved to a later part of the MEP
Ugh yes. Didn't look that way in editing, but when the full render went out I was like.... "WTF"? XDThe brother bear picture in Siny's transformation track and the lion in Mkid's "not one of us" has a jagged white outline around it.
The main problem is that those tracks end VERY abruptly without either a video fade or an audio fade (the audio for Ano Hana and the video/audio for kobato) that makes transitioning a lot harder. I may pm the members and see if I can get more footage to work with.The audio transition to the card captor/ little mermaid track seems a little abrupt. I'm not sure how this can be fixed though (maybe putting it after a track with a longer fade out would help). I feel the same way about the kobato/ lilo and stitch track.
For now, no. I'm not sure how exactly I'm going to transition to the end credits. If I do, I'll pm you.And in terms of ending with my Zatch bell track, do you need me to send you version without the audio fade out?
And lastly, there seems to be a track missing
Haha, that will be the first thing I fix when I get back in this afternoon.
Thank you for the feedback kire!