Ghet wrote:I hope you dont take this wrong - and i really have no say since i havent seen the beta, but the suggestions youre giving him are a bit TOO concise - to the point where if he follows them it wont be his track anymore, it would be him editing to your idea.TwilightChrono wrote:
Inan CascadaThon Track Review:
Alright, really, there are only 1 or 2 things that I need to say about this.
1st off being: I'm having difficulty figuring out which characters your trying to focus on.
It seemed to me that your trying to focus on Sia and Nerine then all of a sudden it switches to
emotional scenes of Kaede. I think you should focus more on 1 of 2 people here. There seem to also
be just 2 non-complacent scenes of Asa in there as well.
I personally think that you should either focus the story around Asa or Kaede, as they both have
very emotional dealings with Rin throughout the show. More so than Sia, Nerine or Primula.
Personally, I think Asa would fit more because of the deep emotional connection between her and Rin.
Although, Kaede would fit well also because of her feelings of guilt of what happened to her and Rin
in their childhood. And I think you should focus on one of these 2 factors.
I just think either just Asa or Kaede will do just fine. I kinda struggled to see what you were going
for with all the characters.
The editing seemed fine, and really peaceful like. Easy on the eyes I guess you could say, so no complaints here.
I hope this helps.
the purpose of an MEP is to create a collage of editing where all the pieces tie in together but each piece expresses an individual idea. to that ends a criticism like "the story was unclear" is completely legitimate, but one that says "make the story this this and this" detracts from the ideas set forth by the creator.
again, no offense intended, i am just expressing my views on it.
who is this ghet person ?