SOAD2: Why's The Rum gone? (Completed. Finally.)

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Zero Link
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Post by Zero Link » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:54 am

gahhhhhhhh forget it again I just saw your post out of nowhere.

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Post by Kevmaster » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:01 am

macchinainterna wrote:I can understand your concern as far as skill level goes. I'm still very novice at video editing, so it would be best if you had someone more experienced like JP finishing the project with his track. However, would you mind if I still used this opportunity to try and improve my editing with this track? Not as in a vie for the position in the MEP, but just for shits and giggles?
Lol, why would I say no? It is up to you afterall if you want to edit it, or not xO and hey, you might actually get something sweet done..

BUT..If you might be interested in any other Track, feel free to give it a try too ^_^

SSJ3 Son Jp wrote:
part 22 - ZL Karas
we agreed he should be re-doing this Track (or rather...I pushed him to agree with me^^;)
Yes, then you said:
But still, if you hand me over a final of the track, I'd be very happy about it and of course, you'd get the track back (this goes for every1 else too).
Which was what this post:
edit: forget it. <_< I can't even find the lagarith to my karas - question! track, only the mp4. So yeah I have no choice but to do it over anyway.
was going to talk about but I couldn't find my karas lagarith track. But now that Autraya have it I'm submitting it again. I'll still do my other one but as of now either you can accept my karas track again or you can deny it and have someone else to do it. But, if you deny it this time, thats your own fault. Soooo Be happy like you said. :D
Did anyone ever tell you that You have an amazing huge Gift to get peoples words to work for your own Good?

I will not accept that Karas Track.

Right now with that many Open Tracks, it will take even longer than planned anyway, so you will have enough time to make an awesome Track =)

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Zero Link
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Post by Zero Link » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:03 am

Kevmaster wrote:
macchinainterna wrote:I can understand your concern as far as skill level goes. I'm still very novice at video editing, so it would be best if you had someone more experienced like JP finishing the project with his track. However, would you mind if I still used this opportunity to try and improve my editing with this track? Not as in a vie for the position in the MEP, but just for shits and giggles?
Lol, why would I say no? It is up to you afterall if you want to edit it, or not xO and hey, you might actually get something sweet done..

BUT..If you might be interested in any other Track, feel free to give it a try too ^_^

SSJ3 Son Jp wrote:
part 22 - ZL Karas
we agreed he should be re-doing this Track (or rather...I pushed him to agree with me^^;)
Yes, then you said:
But still, if you hand me over a final of the track, I'd be very happy about it and of course, you'd get the track back (this goes for every1 else too).
Which was what this post:
edit: forget it. <_< I can't even find the lagarith to my karas - question! track, only the mp4. So yeah I have no choice but to do it over anyway.
was going to talk about but I couldn't find my karas lagarith track. But now that Autraya have it I'm submitting it again. I'll still do my other one but as of now either you can accept my karas track again or you can deny it and have someone else to do it. But, if you deny it this time, thats your own fault. Soooo Be happy like you said. :D
Did anyone ever tell you that You have an amazing huge Gift to get peoples words to work for your own Good?

I will not accept that Karas Track.

Right now with that many Open Tracks, it will take even longer than planned anyway, so you will have enough time to make an awesome Track =)
Oh go to hell kev! <_<_> -opens ae-

Btw, why is Requiett still in the mep? It says he didn't send in his lossless yet hes not kicked. :l (for track 5 that is)

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Post by Kevmaster » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:07 am

SSJ3 Son Jp wrote:Btw, why is Requiett still in the mep? It says he didn't send in his lossless yet hes not kicked. :l (for track 5 that is)
Aut told me he finished his Track and just has to send the lossless.

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Post by macchinainterna » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:16 am

Kevmaster wrote:
Lol, why would I say no? It is up to you afterall if you want to edit it, or not xO and hey, you might actually get something sweet done..

BUT..If you might be interested in any other Track, feel free to give it a try too ^_^
Cool, sounds good to me. Thanks! If I actually manage to finish before JP or CodeChrono, I'll send you the track and see what you think. ;)

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Post by Kazemon15 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:46 pm

I'm...kinda curious about this MEP too... if it's alright for another novice to join. I'll download the tracks and let you know if I can make something of them or not.

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Post by dreamawake » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:25 pm

I don't see why Tk's Karas track wasn't good enough, it was fucking awesome \:

Anyway, I may consider doing something to soldier side later if nobody takes it, dunno.

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Post by dreamawake » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:28 pm

oh nvm, req has it o:

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Post by wurpess » Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:45 pm

Autraya wrote:Wurpress your huffuv has gone haywire, send me a lagarith? (it will be smaller too) feel free to zip it if you want too or cut out the audio and send as a seperate file to save space and for faster upload.
AAAArgh. Not again. Well, for some reason, when I export in lagarith, my vid gets unsynched. (It slows the video down for some reason.) Which is why I never use it for finals. I can try uncompressed without the audio.

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Post by Scott Green » Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:00 pm

wurpess wrote:when I export in lagarith, my vid gets unsynched.
Convert your huffy/uncompressed to lagarith with vdub O:


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