In case any of you are interested.
Just north of Otakon on Saturday is a Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert. Myself and a couple friends are going. It's at 7:30 on Saturday, so my hope is it will last a couple hours and I'll make it back for Saturday Fan Parodies. If I'm a little late, that won't be too bad. Thankfully AMVS is on Friday, so I won't miss that, but this was a unique opportunity. I figured I'd mention it to those who aren't aware it's happening. The 38 dollar tickets seem sold out, I got them for 48.
Warlike Swans wrote:Does anyone know when the Otakon schedule will be out? I'd feel more secure in trying to arrange non-Thursday time to meet if I could see that.
Scott says he has a basic schedule that they don't want to leak until it's final. But he says he could let us know, because apparently he wants to arrange a meeting between creators as well.
Perhaps would could combine ours with his and just have a giant get-together. Although I'm all for two meetings.
Due to the concert though, my Saturday night is booked with that and the Fanparodies.
We have some time, I'll get in contact with Scott and discuss who's available when and see what we can come up with. Anything in particular you don't want to miss? Thursday night really is the only time to guarantee we won't miss anything, hence why I keep pushing for it, since I don't want to miss anything either ^^