by Zarxrax » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:20 am
Just a heads up for everyone, I'm going to try and be going through all or most of the videos on the server today and sort them out. No promises though on getting the list updated. I have so many videos to add to the list at this point that it will take me a few hours to do.
I apologize if I haven't replied to anyones email that I needed to. I've been getting a lot of messages, and it's difficult to keep it all straight, especially when I think "I'll get back to this one later" and then I forget about it.
To everyone who gets on the list or doesn't get on the list: Videos may be added or removed for the next few weeks/months as we continue to go through things. The videos added on the list so far have been primarily chosen solely by me. Shortly, I'll be sending some dvds of all of the other videos to SSGWNBTD, and he will have the oportunity to check through them for any gems that I may have missed. Thus, if your videos wasn't added to the list, there is still a (small) chance for it. On the other hand, a number of videos that are on the list may be dropped as we start putting the project together. There are a few cases where we get videos that have similar jokes or themes, and it really only makes sense to include 1 of them in the final project. Along the same lines, we may be trimming back videos for certain series that we received a lot of entries for (death note, azumanga), and also we may be removing videos for other reasons as well.
I will try to include a huge amount of the videos that aren't chosen in the deleted scenes on the dvd, but it will not be possible to include every video (we have gotten around 1000 entries!).