Glee is a musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States. It focuses on a high school show choir (a modern glee club) called "New Directions", at the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. The music featured on the show is usually remixes of popular songs, many of them being fairly well received to the public.
Purpose of the MEP
The primary purpose of the MEP is to foster the development of AMV's that use Glee as an audio source. The secondary purpose, of course, is to create an entertaining and enjoyable compilation of short Glee snippets to best develop/show the show's unique audio sound and flow.
MEP Specs
1) All AMV's should be developed with 848x480 and 16:9 AR. [1]
2) All AMv's should be set with 23.976 FPS. [2]
3) Finals should be submitted as Lagarith Lossless AVI OR H.264 MP4.[3]
4) Videos should be no longer than 2:00. [4]
5) Videos should have the highest video quality as possible. [5]
[1][While in the past I've allowed both 640x480 and 4:3 AR to be mixed with the 848x480, I've learned that in the long run it's more distracting than helpful when the AMV is finished. And, in my experience, 848x480 is generally nicer looking than 640x480. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause editors.]
[2][If your FPS is not set at this rate when I am sent the final, then I will NOT change it for you, but I will notify you about it and allow you to send in another final with the correct FPS.]
[3][I prefer MP4, but if you'd prefer to have complete control over your track's quality, then lossless is fine.]
[4][While I am going to be fairly strict about this, if the cut requires the track to be 5-10 seconds over the time limit, then that's fine]
[5][While I don't expect mirkoSP perfection, it still needs to be pretty to look at! If you're unsure, please pm before you begin.]
Source Restrictions / Other
1) Audio is restricted to ONLY music found on the glee soundtracks.
2) Any anime is fine. Must be acceptable by org standards. [AKA: No excessive gore or nudity or sexual scenes]
3) No duplicate anime. [Editor A is using Naruto, that means Editors B C and D cannot use Naruto]
4) No duplicate audios. [Editor A is using "It's My Life", that means Editors B C and D cannot use "It's My Life"]
5) Collabs on tracks are fine.
Editor List / Track Information
[Red = Complete]
[Blue = Beta Received]
[Green = Nothing]
Username: [Spelled correctly please!]
Anime: [Use the anime name that the catalog recognizes it as]
Song Title: [Correct title please!]
Song Artist: [Will be defaulted to the "Glee Soundtrack" for the catalog entries]
Username: Angelyco and Nygmatech Enterprises
Anime: School Days and Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Song Title: "It's My Life" / "Confessions Part II" (Mash-up)
Song Artist: Originally by Bon Jovi / Usher
Username: Minimoto
Anime: Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsu no Kishi~
Song Title: Faithfully
Song Artist: Journey (Glee Cover)
Username: CodeZTM
Anime: Undecided
Song Title : Don't Stop Beliving
Song Artist: Journey (Glee Cover)
Username: Angelyco
Anime: B Gata H Kei
Song Title: "I Wanna Sex You Up"
Song Artist: Originally by Color Me Badd
Username: moonbunnychan
Anime: Princess Tutu
Song Title: Defying Gravity
Song Artist: Glee Soundtrack
Username: AimoAio
Anime: Unknown
Song Title: Bad Romance
Song Artist: Glee Soundtrack
Anime: Various
Song: What If
Glee Artist: glee soundtrack
Anime:(idk yet, i wanted soul eater, i'll beat up malik for it so you might as well change it now )
Song:Push it
Glee Artist: glee soundtrack
Username: Kionon
Anime: Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Song Title: A House is not a Home (Kurt Hummel version)
Song Artist: Glee Soundtrack
[All times tentative/subject to change]
Beta 1 Deadline : September 30, 2010 [Miss Deadline = Lose Anime/Song Reserve, but still can make beta and/or final for project]
Beta 2 Deadline : October 17, 2010 [No Consequence, but must see Beta 2 BEFORE Final is Sent]
Final Deadline : October 24, 2010 [Last day for Finals to be Sent In]
Compilation 1 Sent Out : October 31, 2010
Comments Regarding Compilation Due : November 3, 2010
Compilation Final Sent Out : November 7, 2010
Comments Regarding Final Compilation Due : November 10, 2010
Other Information I Forgot To Add
1) Can reserve 1 track at a time, but can complete 2 AMV's for the project
2) There must be at least 4-5 seconds of footage before and after your track. No fading to black before or after either. It makes transitioning a nightmare.
3) Took out the rule about track reservations. You can claim up to two at first, but you have to finish the first two before moving on to another track.