So the concept is broadway of course (ex: Wicked, Hamilton, Chicago, Heathers, etc). We want to highlight broadway and what makes it fun, emotional and overall just musically enjoyable. This will a compilation video, so you will create a new AMV using one of broadways greatest hits and then when the MEP is finished we will put it together and basically make our own broadway show in an AMV. The MEP will be starting June 2017, Betas are due in December 2017 and FINALLY the MEP is planned to be done in June 2018. So you guys have 1 year to work on an amazing Broadway AMV.
1.) Please be supportive for your fellow editors. We encourage those participating to PLEASE beta test each others work. It will help your fellow editor and help them to making an amazing AMV
2.) We know that the due date is about a year from now. But PLEASE KEEP WITH DATES. I don't like chasing people down and it's a lot of work to do so. Sometimes the chat here might not be active but that doesn't mean someone isn't working on their track/idea. We ask that you please respect the due dates.
3.) Once an Anime has been claimed that anime can't be used again for the MEP (we realize some songs can be long and having the same anime for a long song will be a bit much.)
4.) ONE HAMILTON SONG! Me and Trouble talked it over and while we know Hamilton is popular we don't want it to take over this MEP. There is so many more broadway shows. So once Hamilton is taken, it's not an option anymore...sorry.
5.) If you would like to use a Disney song it HAS to be the Broadway version of the song. We have a wonderful Disney MEP, and we'd like to keep the two separated one way or another.
6.) If you feel you could cut your song that would be fine. I won't reject using the full song (but if there is A LOT of talking in the middle, like if there is no music but just talking,'d be best to cut that most likely).
7.) We ask that footage for the AMV will be cleaned and look nice. If there are watermarks, pixelation and whatnot we'll ask for a more clean version.
Preferred Resolution: 1280 x 720
Fps: 23.976
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
Field Order: None/ Progressive
Betas: MP4 Format Via ZarxGui264
Final: Lagarith/UT Lossless AVI OR MP4 Lossless
1.) Please make sure it works with the rules above
2.) Please make sure your anime and or track hasn't been taken!!! <<--- IMPORTANT
3.) Does footage look nice and meet tech specs?
4.) If it meets all these questions. Then you're all good to claim a track.

Song Artist:
Full Beta Deadline: December 2017
Final Videos Due: June 2018
MEP Premiere: Late June/July 2018
Members Only Information
Read under the spoiler for Members Only information. Only read if you're part of the MEP and need to know the relevant details on track statues and how to submit betas.