SES prodject

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SES prodject

Post by RavenSohma » Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:22 pm

Smile Empty Soul prodject.

Smile empty soul has fairly depressing songs and i think it would be cool to edit a assorment of videos to their music and place them together. here is how it would work you would e-mail me at

first come first serve on the music.

subtitled anime will be allowed only cause i cant get non-subtitled anime at the place i am now but try to keep it to a minimum and try to avoid repeating clips if this is a problem contact me and we'll see what we can do.

1. bottem of a bottle
2. sillhouettes
3. nowhere kids
4. this is war
5. therapy
6. for you
7. your way
8. the other side
9. every sunday
10. with this knife
11. radio in a hole
12. all my problems
13. i want my life
14. eraser
spiderman soundtrack: who am i

please i would like to see this become a sucessful prodject^^

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Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:01 am
Location: Rhode Island
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Post by raikuu » Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:28 pm

hey, i'm interested in this project, i'd like to do "Bottom of the Bottle", ok?
yes, they... call me... EMO CAT-BOY...
And i'm sooo confused...


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