Hurricane Live! Re-Make (Interest Gauge)

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Hurricane Live! Re-Make (Interest Gauge)

Post by TaranT » Mon May 22, 2006 3:19 am

This is being posted to gauge interest and generate some ideas for a new MEP.

The project would be a fan-based rework of the Hurricane Live! set of music videos that were released for the original Bubblegum Crisis OAVs. The project would commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the first release of BGC back in February, 1987.

I see two different ways to approach this:

1. Use the same music with new anime (see song list below).

2. Use new music to the original OAVs, one song for each of the eight episodes.

The following are not set rules or anything solid, just some ideas I'm putting up to start the discussion.

Comments/issues about method 1 (same music, new anime)
a. No more than one instance of any single anime title.
b. Old school edits only? Original AMVs had some minor track motion work.
c. Include some of the other opening/closing songs that were not in Hurricane Live!; e.g. Mr. Dandy, Mysterious Night, etc.

Comments/issues about method 2 (new music, BGC original OAV only)
a. Avoid repeated scenes by limiting each AMV to one episode as source (total = 8).
b. All music to be of the same type or genre (for example, all techno).
c. If enough interest, maybe include Bubblegum Crash or AD Police. Not sure about including BGC 2040. Probably not.

General issues
a. Since this would not be a continuous mix, I think this MEP could be loosely organized in that each editor would be free to work as he or she pleased. The only solid requirement being a high quality, exhibition-grade final copy (DVD-spec MPEG2 minimum). Not sure how to pull this together: as a DVD compilation? or just pointers to the hosted files?

b. Music source may be a problem if (as seems likely) the original CDs are out of print.

c. Track selection on first come-first serve basis...or lottery? Depends on level of interest.

d. Would be nice to have one person to design the title sheets and credits.

e. Completion date: maybe this year's AWA is too close? Or postpone until next year which would be closer to the 20th anniversary date.


Hurricane Live! original song list (in order):

* Tokyo 2032 (Intro only, could probably skip this)
* There's a Hurricane Tonight
* Mad Machine
* Wild and Scarred
* Victory
* Touchdown to Tomorrow
* Crisis-Run With Anger
* Devil and Angel's Kiss
* Say Yes!
* Soldier of Roses
* Rock Me
* Jumping Heart

See ANN BGC Page for list of opening & closing songs.


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