Virgin MEP (Read inside info)

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Virgin MEP (Read inside info)

Post by older_gohan » Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:26 pm

There is no definate concept except I would like to do one to Everclear's- AM Radio.

But here's the main rules.

1. Persons joining must have Yahoo Instant messanger and AOL Instant Messanger.

2. This must be their first ever MEP. That's why it's called virgin MEP. We are breaking you into the world of MEP's. This is my first MEP as well just so you know. So who ever is interested just leave a post with your YIM and AOL screen names so we can all get in contact. We'll dicuss the video here as well.

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Post by eahs » Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:44 pm

Aim: eahers
Yim: eahsdraw

(i think i usally get my aim username wrong -_-)

*technicly my second (i just joined another one) but shhhh heh ^^*

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Post by Radical_Yue » Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:00 pm

I'm no MEP veteran myself, but I believe you are still missing a lot of info.
How are you going to get people to join if you don't have any requirments or rules posted?

What anime are you allowed to use?

What resolution will it have to be at?

How many people will be allowed to join?


Check out the other MEPs around for a good example.

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Post by older_gohan » Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:19 pm

Any anime is allowed.
700x480 Resolution and there's no set number. Just when I feel it's enough.

I'm not going to go into massive details until i see there is even people who feels like actually doing one.

The Song being used is AM Radio by Everclear with it being broken up into sections in which the editors will be able to fit what clips of whatever anime with the words as they see fit.

I wont break it up though until I see who will be interested.

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Post by Dezbo21 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:35 am

This would be a first for me, every other one I tried to respond to never got back to me, but what exactly would you like out of this?

Something similar to AMV Hell3, Or more like the MEPs that take a soundtrack and have people claim portions?

Details would definitely help.
Last edited by Dezbo21 on Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And I thought nobody read these.

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Post by Kodack Productions » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:14 pm

I would certainly like to jump on this one since I've never done an MEP before. I'm interested in learning how to organize my own too.



I'm on aol more than yahoo, so look for me there.

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Post by Kitsuner » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:51 am

older_gohan wrote:700x480 Resolution
what the butt
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]

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Post by 8bit_samurai » Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:40 am

Sweet. I know I might regret this, being I got a bunch of other stuff that are and are not AMV related to do. I wouldn't mind joining this, but then I had also just asked joining the FFVII AC Classical MEP. I still haven't submitted anything there, or worked on anything related to it. Would I qualify for this? At the moment I only have WMM but I have also figured out how to use VirtualDubMod with clips created from WMM. I'm pretty sure I would be able to figure out how to modfiy the clip to fit the required specifications with VDubMod. I am almost finished with my current AMV, should be done anytime shortly and you could judge it off of that, since its the one I have used VDubMod alot to manipulate the clips to how I see fit. my YIM is riznit86. Thanks I don't currently have AIM but I could probably get it if required.
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Post by Ojamajo_LimePie » Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:22 pm

older_gohan wrote:.
700x480 Resolution
Ummm, I think you mean 720 resolution. That and 640x480 are the standard 4x3 resolutions.
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Post by 8bit_samurai » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:44 am

Well. I just got my AIM:AteBitSamurai. I also joined another MEP, which I didn't really think would happen so quickly. If ya want I could send ya a beta of my AMV in progress. If I'm still eligible that is.
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