A banner that Pas F#(%ING MADE!
And some Banners that Pas and Brightlight made:
(pas made that one)
(And that one was brightlight)
Hello to all and welcome to the most original idea for a MEP since the last one that came out. This is an idea that I have been pondering for a while and finally decided to make a reality. And yes, this would be my first MEP so I would appreciate any advice or tips from past project co-ordinators. Although I am in charge and the head honcho, I don’t see myself as any sort of authority figure, as long as your song passed inspection and you are willing to make improvements to a video where advised, there’s no reason for me to kick you out. And I don’t like kicking people, so chances are I won’t. I encourage members to keep in contact with each other and provide feedback for each other.
This project will be fairly short when completed. I’ll try to keep it under 10 minutes. I’m looking for about 8 members in total, myself included.
The Concept:
This is the fun part, the music for the track that you will be editing will be a song that you yourself (or a personal acquaintance, you MUST personally know the person who‘s music you borrow) have made or participated in some form in making. It can be something you made in the past, or maybe something you are working on right now. The music can be anything. Guitar, violin, piano, vocals, anything you can play. And there is no preference to style. Techno, metal, country, anything goes. Note that all songs MUST be screened by me before being approved for use in the project. I don’t have really high standards, I just don’t want somebody not taking this seriously and sending in some piece of crap they threw together in a few minutes. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK.
You may remix a song if you wish, but it can’t be something simple like a few cut and pastes. I want to see some effort put into it.
Note: If you are using somebody else’s song, you MUST have permission to do so.
The audio must be of decent quality, no heavy audio noise. I suggest you use .wav files while editing to get the best quality for your audio. The final audio mix will be standard 128kb/s mp3 or aac but in your final be sure to make the audio uncompressed. You DO have to send me a copy of the song you will use so I can listen to it, then you will be asked to cut your song (if it is too long) down to 0:45-1:15. After I have enough entries, I will put some mixes together and each artist will have their say as to what they believe the best mix is.
Video format for final submission:
-Lossless or Uncompressed video (avi).
-29.970 fps NTSC
-videos must be DVD or near DVD quality, no interlacing/rainbowing or pixelating.
-NO SKEWED ASPECT RATIOS, if you are using wide screened footage and are having trouble with AR just letterbox it and I’ll deal with it when the time comes. The final video will be 848X480, but if you are using effects or text in the video, be sure it won’t be cropped out in the final video if you are using 720X480 or whatever, try to center them.
There is no real preference to footage used. Just no Final fantasy or Kingdome Hearts! Note that a newer series will look better quality wise.
Important dates
September: ALL FINAL AUDIO TRACKS MUST BE COMPLETED. Order of songs are decided. Begin editing video portion of segment.
October-December: First betas due. Project participants provide feedback on each video. Both positive and negative feedback is needed.
January: Put finishing touches on videos. Final betas.
February-March: Send in finals lossless videos. Include audio.
June: Final finished project is released.
Finals are due September first. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The year should take about a year to finish so don’t expect it to be too fast paced. I don’t like to rush work. Take your time and do your best. With this amount of time there’s no excuse for a half-assed segment.
These dates are subject to changes as the project may proceed faster or slower then originally planned.
Contact information:
If you need to contact me for any reason my contact information is listed below.
MSN: party_time13@hotmail.com
AIM: guy07amv@aim.com
If you don’t have MSN messenger or AOL instant messenger, the easiest way to contact me would be through PM (private message).
I encourage participants to share their contact information with me as well as other project members. Easier to keep in touch.
I will be working on the intro and outro as well as a track in the MEP, so you don’t have to worry about that. (Unless somebody else is dying to do it.)
Members participating in the MEP and track status:
-Intro -Douggie: ?-?(?)
-Track 1-pas: Stephen McIntosh-Tool (Original animation)
-Track 2-Neverend: Endah - Im the stranger(Kara no Kyoukai)
-Track 3-Guy07: THI - Acid Rain(origins)
-Track 4-Blabbler: Wank-This is Wank (?)
-Track 5-Sanchez: As the pheonix rises- Agenda Suicide (Tekkonikrit)
-Outro -Blabbler: -? (?)
All of the above editors have met the MEPs requirements:
And with all that being said; just remember a few things to remember:
- We are all in this together, I may be heading this mep, but we all have an equal say in what the finished project looks like. So don’t be shy if you have something to say.
- Have fun, meps are no fun when it’s all about the co-ordinator yelling at people to get their tracks done. Feel free to goof around a bit.
- Take your time. You have a whole fucking year to finish your track, lol. No need to rush anything.
- Experiment! I want to see some interesting stuff out there, not just linear editing. If you need any help with editing stuff, feel free to ask me or another more experience editor. we’re usually pretty nice …usually. >.>;
-I want the final results to be a bit of a surprise, so no posting links to betas in the forum! I will provide everyone with access information to my FTP where they can upload/download the betas. It will also be used to host the songs and lossless videos.
Alrighty now, let get this ball rolling!