Coordination & Mix: xblaze9
Mix Help From: Quazza
Banner Made By: Rrezz
Information: Celldweller is a Detroit, United States based one-man band that was created by Klayton (formerly created music as the 90's project Circle of Dust), who writes all of the music and performs the majority of vocals and instruments on studio recordings. The band's sound can be described as electronic rock that incorporates elements from rock, nu metal, techno, and electronica. (Taken from Wikipedia)
Theme: Just try to get as dark/futuristic/digital as you can.
Final Mix - WAV
Final Mix - 320bit MP3
-Framerate - 23.976
-Framesize - 848x480
-No subtitles or logos
-Deinterlace your footage
-DVD or RAW footage only
-No Hentai/Porn
-No blank spots in your track (No Unedited Spots)
-No Naruto, Bleach, or FLCL
-Anime can only be used once
-Do not mess with the audio (Don't cut it, increese/decrease the volume, etc)
Le-Good Shit
Track: #1 Intro
Anime: -Unknown-
Editor: Quazza
Time: :00 - :28
Track: #2 Switchback (Drop's Remix)
Editor: -FREE-
Time: :28 - 1:03
Side Note: If you take track 2, you'll need to edit 7 or 8 seconds out of Cell #1 for it to transition correctly.
Track: #3 Afraid This Time
Anime: Kara no Kyōkai
Editor: AaronAMV
Time: 1:03 - 1:29
Track: #4 Birthright
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 1:29 - 2:55
Track: #5 Shapeshifter
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 2:55 - 4:09
Track: #6 The Stars Of Orion
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 4:09 - 5:03
Track: #7 Unlikely
Editor: DaikashiSan
Time: 5:03 - 5:29
Track: #8 Stay With Me
Editor: Luke0zZz
Time: 5:29 - 6:13
Track: #9 Own Little World
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 6:13 - 6:59
Track: #10 Symbiont
Anime: -Unknown-
Editor: Shinnie
Time: 6:59 - 8:18
Track: #11 Frozen
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 8:18 - 8:42
Track: #12 Under My Feet
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 8:42 - 9:52
Track: #13 Sorry To Say
Anime: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - Complete
Editor: Nira
Time: 9:52 - 10:51
Track: #14 Tragedy
Editor: -FREE-
Time: 10:51 - 11:59
Track: #15 One Good Reason
Anime: Hellsing Ultimate
Editor: AeoXMaster
Time: 11:59 - 13:01
Track: #16 The Last Firstborn
Anime: Ergo Proxy
Editor: Rrezz
Time: 13:01 - 14:05
Track: #17 Fadeaway
Editor: -FREE=
Time: 14:05 - End
-Betas: Any codec
-Finals: Lagarith Lossless or Huffy with Uncompressed/PCM audio
You must send a beta to me before I mark you down for a track, I would prefer if you made a beta WITH the track you want to take.
AIM: xblaze09x
MSN: xblaze9@hotmail.com
Email: xblaze9@hotmail.com
PM: C'mon now you can't be that stupid x]
Notes: Look, I've re-opened with another thread because the other one is getting too out of hand. And plus I want to make this sort of a revision, I've kicked everyone out who I haven't seen beta's from in a while or I've deemed unworthy, if you feel like you should be put back in the MEP, then please contact me and try to prove me wrong, it's been over a year and my standards have risen greatly since I first started. Sorry guys.

Code: Select all