Code: Select all
AVISource("C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\Anime\Princess Tutu\trans\Princess Tutu - 09.avi")
Avisynth open failure:
Script error: syntax error
(C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\My AMVs\Load Tutu 09.avs, line 1, column 1)
I then try a different approach. I go to Open video file via Avisynth..., select Default (AVI Source), and then select the file (Princess Tutu - 09.avi) at the address given above. However, another error pops up and this one says:
Avisynth open failure:
AVISource: couldn't locate a decompressor for fourcc h264
(C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\Anime\Princess Tutu\trans\Princess Tutu - 09--default2.avs,line 2) <-- after the 2nd time I tried this approach.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Why would I need a decompressor for h264? I'm selecting the .avi files I made from the .mkv h264 files with AllToAVI, not the originals.
Thank you.
Note: I installed AMVapp twice b/c running the tests gave me failures, but after looking up a thread on the forum I've found that they just don't work in Vista.