I figured.. hell i will learn this program real quick as the guides make it look simple... WRONG!!!!
I follow the guide perfectly until this part.
A more complex script
Now, why don't we try loading an actual video into AvsP? First, make sure to erase any commands that you have already written, so you are starting from an empty script. You can now select a video to open by either going to the File menu and then selecting "Open", or by pressing Ctrl+O, or by middle-clicking somewhere in your script.
Just so we are all on the same page here, I would recommend that you grab one of my favorite AMVs, Believe by Kevin Caldwell, and try loading it. AvsP should generate a line that says DirectShowSource() and contains the path to the file. Pressing F5, you should be able to see the video. And on that note, this would be a great time to explain about some of the various source filters that you can use.
Now i didnt have the video he recommended downloaded so i used one that was on my pc...
Its the same thing really so i figured no big whoop... anyways.. at this point i press f5 to open the moniter and i see this.
Now im simply trying to follow the guide to learn as much as possible before i start on my project. so far i have learned that i need a literal armada of programs just so i can edit footage without crashing my program.. i mean for gods sakes you go from reading ermacs guide for 12 hours to ripping to avisynth and then from there to god knows where just to get files to edit.. all i wanted to do was learn the program within a resonable ammount of time.. and get to editing my video..
It would seem that actually getting the footage to an editable state is the hardest part of making an amv.
so can anyone offer any advice on why i cannot get my avsp program to work like the guide says it should or what.