Pixelly Rip... from a R2?

This forum is for questions and discussion of all the aspects of handling and cleaning up your footage with Avisynth.
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Epical Zamora
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Post by Epical Zamora » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:39 pm

With that code, I get this:


It helped, but most of the heavy pixellation is still unbearable. :\
Eva-Fan wrote:have you tried exporting raw m2v's without the audio?
I don't know if that would really help; the pixellation is even there when played on a regular DVD player.
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Post by EvaFan » Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:27 am

Epical Zamora wrote:With that code, I get this:


It helped, but most of the heavy pixellation is still unbearable. :\
Eva-Fan wrote:have you tried exporting raw m2v's without the audio?
I don't know if that would really help; the pixellation is even there when played on a regular DVD player.
vob files hold data that tells players how to play a file. When you rip the raw m2v video out.. That data is lost.
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Post by Mosc » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:59 pm

A sample file would help a lot, but this seems to be the best basic method I can come up with (you'll need nnedi for this to work):

Code: Select all


To kill the remaining aliasing, add one or more AA(edge=true)'s in there. You should probably denoise too, although I don't know whether the noise in your screenshot is already present in the source, or if it's an artifact of JPEG compression (always use PNG for screenshots).

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Epical Zamora
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Post by Epical Zamora » Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:38 am

LS5 wrote:A sample file would help a lot, but this seems to be the best basic method I can come up with (you'll need nnedi for this to work):

Code: Select all


To kill the remaining aliasing, add one or more AA(edge=true)'s in there. You should probably denoise too, although I don't know whether the noise in your screenshot is already present in the source, or if it's an artifact of JPEG compression (always use PNG for screenshots).
Thanks! That's just what I'm looking for dude!

And I'll keep that in mind about using PNGs. :wink:
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