by -MajinLink- » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:33 pm
dokidoki wrote:-MajinLink- wrote:Sorry for the delayed reply, Eva-Fan. Yeah, I just can't get this to work... Would you mind helping?
- Crop(4,2,-4,-0) for frames 1 to 32965.
- Crop an additional (2,0,-2,-0) off of frames 32966 to 33686.
I know I could just go Crop(6,2,-6,-0), but I really don't want to be croppin' off anymore from frames 1 to 32965. Frames 32966 to 33686 still show black bars that I would like to get rid of.
Note that the framecount starts at 0, but anyway...
Tried it, and unfortuantly, when I open my script in to VirtualDubMod the only thing that shows is frame 32965.