I read this = http://avisynth.nl/index.php/AviSynth%2 ... ct_MT_mode
I am not very expert, if you have any comment or correction to the script to do it better thank you very much.
Someone could tell me how to write in the script to activate MT mode .
Thanks so much
Code: Select all
LanczosResize(960, 720)
strength = 2
FFT3DFilter(bw=6, bh=6, ow=3, oh=3, plane=0, bt=1, sigma=strength)
FFT3DFilter(bw=216, bh=216, ow=108, oh=108, plane=0, bt=1, sigma=strength/8, sigma2=strength/4, sigma3=strength/2, sigma4=strength)
Tweak(hue=0.0, sat=1.0, bright=0, cont=1.0, coring=True, sse=False, startHue=0, endHue=360, maxSat=150, minSat=0, interp=16)
ColorYUV(gain_y=0,gain_u=0, gain_v=0, off_y=0, off_u=0,off_v=0, cont_y=30, cont_u=151,cont_v=241,gamma_y=0, gamma_u=0, gamma_v=0, levels="", opt="", showyuv=false, analyze=false, autowhite=false, autogain=false)
mfToon2(ssw=4, ssh=4,xstren=80,xthresh=80,cwarp=true,sharpen=true,strength=50,wdepth=16.0,wblur=1,wthresh=0.5,drange=64,dboost=1.0,dlimit=30,debug=false,doutput=true,dclip="rclip1",scolor=$FF00FF)
f3kdb(range=15, Y=74, Cb=74, Cr=74, grainY=74, grainC=74, sample_mode=2, blur_first=True, dynamic_grain=False, opt=-1, mt=True, dither_algo=3, keep_tv_range=False, input_mode=0, input_depth=8, output_mode=0, output_depth=8)