It worked! Thank you all so much. It looks pretty close to perfect. Can't really ask for much more than that.
Code: Select all
Deen(mode="a2d", rad=4, thrY=7, thrUV=9, min=0.5)
VagueDenoiser(threshold=2, method=3, nsteps=6, chromaT=2.0)
Function GradFunkMirror( clip c, float "strength" )
#counters edge effects for gradfun2db()
#gradfun2db() requires width mod8 and height mod2
strength = default( strength, 2)
w = c.width()
h = c.height()
vflip = c.FlipVertical()
hflip = c.FlipHorizontal()
stackhorizontal( hflip.crop( w-16, 0, 16, h ).addborders( 0, 16, 0, 16 ),
\ stackvertical( vflip.crop( 0, h-16, w, 16 ), c, vflip.crop(0, 0, w, 16 ) ),
\ hflip.crop( 0, 0, 16, h ).addborders( 0, 16, 0, 16 ) )
gradfun2db( strength )
crop( 16, 16, -16, -16 )
Return last
Scintilla wrote:The hair (that is the problem area, right?) in the second picture looks decent, and I wouldn't reasonably expect to be able to do much better. The only problem is that you're smearing details in the rest of the picture.
I don't really know if this is the kind of noise that a deblocker will help you with; I'm fairly sure that deblockers are supposed to help more with
this kind of blocking.
You may want to try
VagueDenoiser; I think the noise in my sample image is similar to your kind of noise, just in a lighter area. Also, VagueDenoiser shouldn't smear details as much as Deen.
Oh, the background is actually permanently like that. I should have mentioned that earlier. That's perfect. I've changed the settings on Deen and added VagueDenoiser and it's working ALOT better with my other parts with a detailed backgrounds. Thank you very much!
Qyot27 wrote:I had to crank my monitor's brightness up to the maximum just to see the problem in that first picture. Without really knowing much beyond what could be causing it, I'm guessing gradiation of a sort, in which case I'd hit it with gradfun2db(), with a value of 2.0 - or maybe more, if it really seemed to need it.
One comment, though, is that those deen settings are way too high. There's very few sources I've encountered that are truly bad enough to warrant a 4,9,11 assault, no matter what mode you're using (I stick to w3d mode).
Ah, yes!! That's
it. Gradients. I never thought that would be what was causing it. That fixed it perfectly. And as an added bonus, you also helped me fix the light coming off of the moon. I'll definitely have to remember that one.
oh are the settings too high? I have to admit I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the different values and how to actually use them right. I took another look at Scintilla's guide and she has the values labeled. That makes things a lot easier to for me. Thanks for pointing out that they were too high.
Kariudo wrote:Just looks like quantization noise from compressing, a temporal smoother might help out some (that type of noise fluctuates with a relatively large change in color value)...fluxsmoothST() is worth a shot.
Ah, so that's how that one works. It didn't work too well with this problem, but I'm sure it'll come in handy later on now that I actually know what it does. Thanks.
mirkosp wrote:
I'm telling you to do so because the original gradfun2db has an issue that causes the 16 margin borders to NOT get debanded.
Perfect. Thank you!