Particle World Help

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Cooking Oil
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Particle World Help

Post by Krisqo » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:20 pm

I'm trying to create an effect in Adobe After Effects 6.5 where I use particle world to slide across the screen and have text appear in it's wake. However, I can't figure out how to keyframe the movement. I tried tinkering with the producer settings but it always makes the particles vanish.

Basically, I'm trying to do something like Doki Doki did in "Stop Watching Anime and Go Outside" when they girl got shot in the head just replace the blood with some sparkles. Any tips?

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Post by leahzero » Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:08 pm

Animating the producer directly works fine for me. Are you trying to use a null to control it, by chance? There could also be something in your chain of effects that's screwing with things...try precomposing the particle layer and animating the precomp. The downside is you won't see the correct physics like you would by animating the producer. You could do both, though.

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Cooking Oil
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Post by Krisqo » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:42 am

What I found to work was setting the effect on a separate layer and since PW basically replaced the layer, I just slid it across the screen and set keyframes like that. Took a couple of hours, but it came out pretty nice. I've never used Effects in videos before so I have NO idea how they work. :oops:


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