Adobe Premiere Pro RAM issue - Freezing/Crashing

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Cosmos Studio
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Adobe Premiere Pro RAM issue - Freezing/Crashing

Post by Cosmos Studio » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:22 am

First of all, here are the specs: Adobe Premiere Pro v. 7.0, Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (32 bit), Intel Core Dou T2450 @ 2.00GHz, 2038 MB of RAM.

Problem: When running Premiere, memory usage begins out around 5MB, while in the program editing video as it stores clip previews, timelines, ect. the memory will steadily go from 5MB all the way to 1.5 gigs (within about 10 minutes of editing) and then the program will freeze up. The only way to fix the problem is to end the process in task manager and restart Premiere. At which the memory usage/problem starts over again.

Now, I am working with a total of about 30 hours of footage that I'm trying to find clips in so I can edit it into a 5 minute video. The way I have done this in the past is first finding the clips I would like to use, organize them into seperate projects on the timeline (ending up with about 3 hours in different timeline projects) and then taking the clips from designated areas to edit into the 5 minute video.

So, my question(s) being, is there any way to get Premiere to reset the memory usage without restarting the program? If not, is there possibly a specific reason it simply freezes (no warning messege or anything)? Or, if the other two are not possible, is there any advice on better ways of organizing cut clips to find specific things without going through all imported footage?

I am using VOB files imported through AVS, a process I have always used for this editing (without problems). However, this is my first time working with so much footage (I usually have about 10 hours) and also my first time working Premiere in Vista (unfortunatly, Vista is what came with the new laptop I bought). I have already tried increasing the Virtual Memory (up to 3000, max 4000) and moved Premiere's scratch disk to an external Hard Drive, both did nothing for preformance. On another note, does anyone know if Premiere 6.5 (or in fact, any version before Pro) works with Vista? And if so, are the project files the same used with Pro? I'm sure I could find the answers to these two last questions myself if I look around though, I'm just desperate to find a way to edit this video in the next week or so.

Thank you for any help that could be provided in this matter.

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Re: Adobe Premiere Pro RAM issue - Freezing/Crashing

Post by Scott Green » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:34 am

Cosmos Studio wrote:I am using VOB files imported through AVS
There is your problem, you probably have something like 20 or 30 .avs files imported....
There is a file called "Premiere AVS GUI.exe" in your prmiere plug-ins folder there you can decrase the memory available for each .avs file

Your other option is you make with DgIndex(wich I think you used) longer files i.e.:
Now you have probably for each episode one .avs
take four or five episodes into one .avs....

btw I had the same problem some time ago, but the solution could also have been that I switched to premiere pro 2.0, idk

I hope it helps and probably someone else has a better suggestion <.<

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Post by Cosmos Studio » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:37 am

I was actually just reading about the set memory max... I'm going to try that right now (not holding my breath though)... Plus, I have a total of 9 .avs files (I knew to keep them to a minimum)... Thanks for the reply.

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Post by Blackiisky » Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:31 pm

I actually was talking to kev about this problem, and yes i had this EXACT same situation with the exception that im useing Premiere pro 2.0 and i have found that the problem is caused by what was said above too many AVS files....i have on average now a 26 episode anime in 3 AVS files and it works fine no problem.

I also tryed the set memory max option but that doesnt work well...ull end up setting it too low and then premiere will become unstable, or too high then it will use too memory.

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Re: Adobe Premiere Pro RAM issue - Freezing/Crashing

Post by The Wired Knight » Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:21 pm

Scott Green wrote:
Cosmos Studio wrote:I am using VOB files imported through AVS
There is your problem, you probably have something like 20 or 30 .avs files imported....
There is a file called "Premiere AVS GUI.exe" in your prmiere plug-ins folder there you can decrase the memory available for each .avs file
Hey, what parameters should I set it to? I have had a similar problem because premiere keeps crashing on me while I edit (at least every five to ten minutes). Or it will just randomly close while editing, this almost always seems to happen while I'm scanning up and down avs files for an episode (you know, just moving the bar around looking for the shot I need).

Currently that plugin is set to Bilinear with a memory max of 64 mb.

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Re: Adobe Premiere Pro RAM issue - Freezing/Crashing

Post by mirkosp » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:21 pm

The Wired Knight wrote:
Scott Green wrote:
Cosmos Studio wrote:I am using VOB files imported through AVS
There is your problem, you probably have something like 20 or 30 .avs files imported....
There is a file called "Premiere AVS GUI.exe" in your prmiere plug-ins folder there you can decrase the memory available for each .avs file
Hey, what parameters should I set it to? I have had a similar problem because premiere keeps crashing on me while I edit (at least every five to ten minutes). Or it will just randomly close while editing, this almost always seems to happen while I'm scanning up and down avs files for an episode (you know, just moving the bar around looking for the shot I need).

Currently that plugin is set to Bilinear with a memory max of 64 mb.
While editing, use Nearest Neighbour (it's low quality, but as it's very fast, it's better to edit with it, I think). When you're finished with the editing, save the project, close premiere, set the algorithm to lanczos3 and export after that. Also, about memory max, if you're using a lot of scripts, 64mb might be too much. Reduce it, just don't get below 16mb. I guess 32mb is a good value here.

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Post by The Wired Knight » Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:32 pm

Well for my current video I think I've got 52 scripts (give or take) all but one of which are halfhour long episodes. (The other is all the openings and endings strung together into one script). So would about 20-24 mb do it?

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Post by Falconone » Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:27 pm

i have 64 mb as max and it runs perfect

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Post by mirkosp » Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:03 pm

Falconone wrote:i have 64 mb as max and it runs perfect
Seems your computer can handle it. Not every computer can, though.
@The Wired Knight: yeah, that should do.


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