Premiere 6.5 and XviD

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Premiere 6.5 and XviD

Post by Lounge Fly » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:44 pm

I've had a problem for years now with xvid and premiere 6.5 and I'm getting real sick of it.
Xvid used to work wonderfully with my premiere then one day it decided to stop working. I've formatted my computer a few times since then and that doesn't matter, I keep getting the same message every time I try to export with xvid.

The error isn't very specific at all, but I was wondering if anyone else has come across this issue and has found a way to resolve it.

Every time I try to export with xvid, the follow errors come up:
"Unknown error occurred while making the movie.
Unknown error."


"An error occurred
Error writing file (disk full?)."

My disk is not full, especially after formatting just recently. My HDD is 180 gigs with 160gigs free. I'm trying to export a 5 minute video which wouldn't even take up 200 megs.
I currently have Xvid 1.2.1 installed, but before that had 1.1.3 installed with the same errors.

Does anyone know what I can do?
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Re: Premiere 6.5 and XviD

Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:08 pm


Click that link and read over it. Your problem is that Xvid is a lossy codec, something made for distribution rather than editing. What you want is to get your video files into a lossless codec (such as lagarith and huffyuv).

As for the exporting problems, try exporting uncompressed or "none", and then encode it into divx/xvid or such.
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Re: Premiere 6.5 and XviD

Post by Kariudo » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:10 pm

*note that the flashing text is also a link

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Re: Premiere 6.5 and XviD

Post by Lounge Fly » Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:56 pm

Thank you for your help. I now know why xvid files don't work when trying to edit a video that's already been encoded with xvid or divx.

But I wasn't clear enough in my original post, sorry about that. I'm trying to export a finalized clip that is ready for distribution. If I still need to edit in after effects or something then I will export with huffyuv.
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Re: Premiere 6.5 and XviD

Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:44 pm

Lounge Fly wrote:I'm trying to export a finalized clip that is ready for distribution.
I wrote:As for the exporting problems, try exporting uncompressed or "none", and then encode it into divx/xvid or such.
By "then encode", I mean after exporting and in another program, such as VirtualDubMod.
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