M.H.A.Q.S. wrote:By your posts, I am starting to think that DLL is surely spyware and it attaches itself with programs or hooks itself up with the kernel and loads into every executable through memory and creates a dependency. When the file is deleted by anything, all programs will shout for the dependency and since it is not there, they will not start.
I don't if the above is true, but if it is, you don't have any option but to backup your entire data, scan with antivirus, spyware, adware and format your system and install a fresh operating system if possible.

That is what I was I was afraid of doing, I was doing the backup this weekend, and I'm going to run a spyware and antivirus one more time and see if that work's if that don't work then I'll have to format my system. Do you know what program run on this DLL?