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But often it isn´t that easy. I found the earthshaker effect (freeware):
The quaker isn´t for install and the help file says:
Aha. Yeah ok it was designed for AE 6, but how should I use it, if there isn´t something called Apply at the Effect´s menu?To use Quaker, select the layer you wish to affect, and go to Effect>Apply
Favorite. Find Quaker on your hard drive and select it (I recommend you put it in
the Adobe After Effects>filter favorites folder, that way it will always appear in
your filter favorites menu.)
The main question is: How do I import effects into AE or Premiere Pro correct?
The help file of AE says not really something that would help me. Google too and hey it can´t be the simpel copy & past stuff in explorer. Or could it be?