AMVS w/Adobe Premiere,VirtualDub(low size,beautiful quality)

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AMVS w/Adobe Premiere,VirtualDub(low size,beautiful quality)

Post by Lagnes » Sun May 06, 2007 12:26 pm

I thought Virtual Dub would be a pain in the ass when encoding animes just to put in premiere, because of things like lagarith and huffy with their enormous sizes but i found a pretty nice encoding sequence that is not that big and works in premiere. It involves getting the smart resize plugin with vdub but after encoding the quality is pretty pristine and the size, cough compared to some encoderings, is way better. Just get the smart resize tool from here and extract it into the plugins folder of Virtual Dub. Then open your virtual dub. I have version 1.4.11, lol never bothered updating. Go to Video->Filters->Add->smartresize1.1 then click ok. Make sure nothing at the top is checked and the filter mode is bicubic. at the size calculator, check enable and make the input width 640 and the input height 480. The fit width 512, the fit height 384 and aspect ratio 1 / 1. make sure to check the fit width and height w/letterbox(which should be the only thing checked at the bottom besides enable) Then click ok. After that click Video->Frame Rate and check change to (type 29.970) frames per second and click ok. For audio i click no audio because you input the audio separately for premiere, as it is an AMV. If you want to keep audio of the anime, u will have to do alittle experimenting. Now for the last part Video->Compression and look for Indeo video 5.1, or maybe another version if you have it. I am not sure where i got Indeo, i think its there default when you download virtual dub lol. Make sure the quality is 100 and just take whatever clip of the file you want with markin(home) and markout(end). When you are done just click File, Save as AVI(F7) and there u are. Low size, good quality and Premiere compatible. This tutorial is a composition of two days exploration on the internet and a lot of experimenting with virtual dub. I give thanks to ... ial/#Files and that website helped me understand it alittle and for providing the smart filter. I hope this will be of help.

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Post by Scintilla » Sun May 06, 2007 12:56 pm

Needs more paragraph breaks. Desperately.

Intel Indeo? Pray tell, what does the video look like AFTER editing an AMV in Premiere with clips made that way and re-compressing (again) for distribution? That's what the audience is going to be seeing, after all.

Also, you make no allowances for video sources that aren't 4:3, which are more and more common these days.
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Post by Purge » Mon May 07, 2007 2:35 am

your only benefit is the size - If you insist on using it then i recommending using the option to force keyframes every 1 frame

indeo can be too slow and even recompressing at 100 qual can still make the vid look crap .seriously using divx would be much better - definitly much faster


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