Edge artifacts noise caused by transitions/dissolve effects.

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Edge artifacts noise caused by transitions/dissolve effects.

Post by baculus » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:26 am

Hello all,

This is my first time posting here, so please excuse any blunders!

I have an issue with edge artifacts/noise being caused by transitions when exporting an .avi. (And viewing the exported clip in Virtualdub or similiar programs.) If I disable the transition, then the noise disappears in the exported .avi. I have tried to use an additive dissolve, cross dissolve, as well as simply adjusting the clip opacity to duplicate a dissolve, but every method I have tried has produced the edge noise/artifacts.

The settings for the project are as follows:
Editing mode: Desktop (standard settings)

Video Rendering:
File format: Video for Windows
Compressor: Huffyyuv v2.1. ("YUV Renderer Fix")

I usually further export the movie as a "Huffyyuv v2.1" movie. (Using the "YUV Renderer Fix" compressor, which I believe is the same as the "Huffyyuv v2.1" Also, I have the project settings set for RGB (RGB compression method: Predict Gradient (Best)), as well as exporting as RGB as opposed to YUV. (Since exported YUV clips tend to crash my VirtualDub, which is an annoyance...)

Incidentally, I had tried everything I could attempt/research to track down the cause of the issue, and I finally disable the transitions, which caused the issue to disappear. So I am pretty sure this issue is related to the transitions. (It took me a week to figure this out, which is a bit fustrating!)

Any help would be much appreciated, and I can provide futher assistance if required.

Thanks in advance!


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Post by starseekergem » Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:41 am

You could try exporting it uncompressed. I found out the hard way that that's the only sure fire way to not get an error when exporting from Premier Elements.
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Post by baculus » Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:59 am

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping not to have to export uncompressed, since the file is so huge, and I am not confident that Virtualdub will compress the file size to a manageable level. (Which, for my purposes, is a 100mb or less, for web usage.)


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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:19 pm

You'd be supprised at how well you can compress with virtualdub. And remember, compress your audio too.
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Post by RosenRed » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:07 am

If the video is compressed (even if it is lossless) the encoder will have a harder time compressing it that if it were uncompressed. The process is exactly the same. Your video in order to be compressed it is converted internally to uncompressed... (at least I think)
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