CheekeeMonkee wrote: So you use it to finish up your videos after using a moer capable program?
Hah! I wish!!! I go from DVDDecrypter to Vdubmod (or Xilisoft at the moment) to WMM and output best qual thats it. Any scrubbing in AVIsynth afterwards stuffs up the WMM effects and throws the sync out completely (and I not know how to do effects in AVIsynth) will be deinterlacing with AVIsynth first for my next vid though (after the fafner one).
CheekeeMonkee wrote:
Hmm . . . looking at your advice I can't even get to that part. This is what is happening to me:
-I open WMM
-I then import my video clips and music
-Drag music or video clips into the timeline
If you have reinstalled the product and done the standard log off/on shut down thing that all help desks prescribe to. And shut down non essential tasks running in the background
I have only two suggestions:
1. u may need more RAM (what is the size of the footage you are importing?) some computers just cant handle it, for example advent children was over 170 GB in 3 files and gave my poor baby an aneurism, all I could do was upgrade RAM (to 3GB+) and still had some seziures though not anywhere near as bad. I also upped the amount of virtual memory allowable. wot sort of system r u running?
2. There may be something wrong in your program (delete!! or get new version) or corruptions in ur footage (which means re-ripping it)
oh any if u try to do to much at once it will have problems, I hit save after every 3-4 changes just in case (the bastard has burnt me before!!)
so drag music, hit save.
drag first clip, hit save.
and so on. waiting a second or 2 before the next change can help your system adjust.
how big is your footage? because this an important factor in why I have this same problem.
CheekeeMonkee wrote:
Does this happen with any of the programs out there? Is this just the way it is?
I would guess not! WMM is evil
CheekeeMonkee wrote:
hands a tissue
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