WMM problems =.=

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Post by sweetdeily » Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:33 pm

Have you tried uninstalling like Aut said? She used to run into this problem all the time and that's how she got around it. I think the codec pack needs a bit a debuging myself.
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Post by elite-dreams » Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:09 am

now the freezing and closing is solved =.=; all i had to do is go to the tools section in the wmm and then options and check off the ffdshow video decoder. But that only solves the fact that the clips are splitting and adding correctly but now i cant save it. first wen save a proj, the open window flashes like something else is interferring and then wen i try to save the video, the window also flashes, oh and the mouse flashs with the loading mouse sign. and wen i try to save it just wouldnt save liek the est. time is like outrageous or sometimes it actually works but then get either gets stuck on 1% or 24% and the est time just keeps increasing like crazy =.=;
i no to many problems. and i actually got my teacher to let me hand it in by mon....


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